Stabler Scolding

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Olivia was busily typing at her computer. It had been a long night and she was on her third cup of coffee, but she had to stay awake until Elliot returned. They were supposed to head out to lunch once he returned from his recent lead. "Olivia." A voice spoke, making Olivia jump.

Her brown eyes widened as she stared at the blonde in front of her. "Maureen," Olivia gasped. "God, you scared you." She added, gently laughing.

"Sorry." Maureen replied, a nervous smile on her face. Olivia quickly took in Maureen's state. She was standing with her hands folded and her right foot was tapping like crazy.

"Your dad just left for Brooklyn on a lead. If you want I could call him back in. He should only be about ten minutes out." Olivia started as she stood up from her desk, pulling out her cellphone.

"No!" Maureen quickly argued, grabbing Olivia's wrist. Olivia looked into Maureen's blue eyes, sirens going off in her head. Maureen nervously chuckled, pulling her hand back to her side. "Please, don't. I'm not here to see him." She explained, shaking her head.

Olivia furrowed her eyebrows, staring at the young woman. "Then why are you here?" She asked, confused by what was happening. Maureen walked closer to Olivia, keeping her head down.

"Can we talk somewhere private, please?" She whispered, her voice slightly shaking. Olivia nodded her head, placing her hand on Maureen's lower back.

"Of course, sweetheart. Right this way." Olivia replied, leading towards an interview room. Thoughts began to run wild in Olivia's head. Maybe Maureen was having trouble with school or maybe her parents were back to fighting.

They entered the room, Olivia helping Maureen sit down on one of the chairs. "Can I get you anything? Water? Soda?" Olivia asked, looking over Maureen's face. She softly smiled and nodded her head.

"A water would be great. Thanks."

"I'll be back, okay?" Olivia replied before she headed out the door. She let out a long sigh and shook her head, making her hair wave out to the sides. As if on cue, Munch and Fin were just arriving from their latest lead.

"Hey, Liv. Got a minute?" Fin asked as they entered the squad room. Olivia shook her head as she filled a plastic cup with water.

"Actually, no. I'm currently working with someone." She answered, her voice sounding a bit nervous. Fin and Munch both furrowed their eyebrows, walking closer to her.

"Another victim?" John questioned for him and Fin. Olivia shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.

"Not sure, but whatever you do, don't let Elliot in or see." She commanded, heading back towards the interview room. She didn't want to keep Maureen waiting too long and make her think that she was calling her father.

"Why? You two buttin' heads again?" Fin asked as she walked off.

"I'm interviewing Maureen." Olivia replied, giving them a worried smile.

"As in Stabler's Maureen?" John pressed, hoping that his suspensions were wrong. Olivia nodded her head, making both Fin and John let out a long sigh. Olivia walked back into the room just as Elliot entered the squad room.

"Where's Liv?" He questioned, sorting through his desk. He was throwing papers around, looking for something important.

"She just left. Not sure when she'll be back." Fin quickly lied. John and Fin made eye contact and shrugged their shoulders, hoping Elliot would buy it. Of course, he was too busy looking for something so he didn't even notice their exchange.

"When she gets back, tell her to call me. Tamara Bellmen is making her way back into this tangled mess. Turns out she was banging the love doctor too." He explained as he finally found whatever he was looking for.

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