Inner Demons

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"Cap't, what's going on?" Olivia questioned, noticing the nervousness growing on Cragen's face. She, along with Fin and Munch, rose from their desks and huddled towards their captain.

"Get on your coats and hurry downstairs." He replied, his face slowly turning white.

"Why?" John pressed, furrowing his eyebrows as the three of them followed their orders. They followed Cragen out the door, rushing to the elevator.

"It's Elliot." He answered, his voice slightly shaking. Olivia covered her mouth as her brown eyes widened. Elliot had left the squad a few weeks ago claiming he just needed a break from everything. Kathy had moved out again and IAB were on his back from the latest case.

"What's wrong? Is he hurt?" Olivia quickly rambled as they entered the elevator. She slammed on the button, hoping it would shut faster and get her to her partner. Fin gently grabbed her arm and pulled it back to her side once the door began to shut.

"Not yet." Cragen mumbled, not making eye contract with Olivia. Everyone slightly gulped, knowing captain wasn't going to tell them anything else, especially not with Olivia around. They were all silent as they slowly dropped to the ground floor.

Cragen stared forward, hoping that it wasn't too late. He didn't understand why they didn't call him sooner since Elliot was his detective. Cragen thought highly of Elliot. He was like the son he never had.

Olivia took long, slow breaths, trying to calm herself down. Elliot was okay so far, at least, that's what Cragen told her. She wasn't sure how much she trusted Cragen right now, since he knew better than anyone how close she was to Elliot. He could be lying to her at that moment.

Fin rubbed his hand down his face over and over again. If anything happened to Elliot, he knew Liv would be a mess. He knew her like the back of his hand since he thought of her like a little sister. He prayed that things wouldn't turn out as bad as he thought.

John rapidly tapped his foot against the ground, sticking his hands in his coat pockets. He looked around the elevator, trying not to think of the problem at hand. John was very negative, so all of the thoughts he had about Stabler were worst case scenario, and he didn't want to accidentally blurt any of them out in front of Olivia.


After what felt like hours, they finally arrived at the Stabler household. All four of them rushed out of the car, heading toward the police tape. The flashing blue and red lights were blinding them in the now dark streets. It was winter, so the days were shorter and colder. "Manhattan SVU! Let us through!" Cragen shouted, as they held up their badges.

"Woah. No one's going up there. Man's got a gun. Can't let anyone up." An officer stated, holding them back. Olivia pushed to the front, finally finding her voice again.

"Please, just let me talk to him! I know him. He'll listen to me!" She exclaimed, pleading with her eyes. She furrowed her eyebrows, feeling pressure building up behind her brown eyes.

"What's going on?" Captain Harold asked, stepping into the argument. He had noticed the fight starting to break out and didn't want it to get physical. He was the one to call Don Cragen, so he was prepared for him, but not his whole squad.

"You need to let us up there!" Olivia shouted, now moving towards him. Fin lightly grabbed her arm, slightly pulling her back. He didn't want her to look too emotionally attached. They would never let her up if she was.

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