Respect and Fear

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Hey guys! So this is the chapter where Yang has to find Y/N, but along the way some problems pop up like Jeff and Slendy. What will happen when they reunite? I ain't spoiling so read and find out for yourself. Enjoy!

Yang's POV

I was scared. I was scared because even though I knew Y/N before, I saw what he was. What he did. And it scared me. A big part of me wanted to just forget and think he was dead, bit the half that knew he was alive wanted to know he wasn't some mindless killer. I was approaching the room with everyone else to sleep, when I saw something again. This time it was a tall, skinny man with a black outfit, but I couldn't make out his face. Next to him was another person with a white hoodie on and black pants. I could barely see his face but I knew he was very pale. 

I rubbed my eyes and looked again, only for them to be gone. I figured it must be my imagination, and that the whole thing with Y/N was just getting to me. I went and laid down with Ruby and got myself back to normal, talking with her and eyeing the hot guys taking their shirts off to sleep. Everything was settling down again, no monsters or people looking at me from a distance. I thought I could finally catch a break. I was so wrong.

I woke up after a few hours of sleep and looked around the room, noticing everyone else sleeping soundly, some snoring a little. I tried to sleep again, but I couldn't, something was keeping me awake. I finally felt sleep coming, until a figure walked over me. My heart stopped. It was a man with a white hoodie, black pants and an extremely pale face. He also had a huge smile carved into his face and had no eyelids. 

He just stared at me for a while, knowing I was awake. I couldn't move though, as if something was binding me to my sleeping bag. He leaned over and reached out to grab me.

???: Sleeep.


The man was hit in the back of the head slightly by the tall skinny man who I could now see had no face at all.

???: Jeff, get it together, we're here so Jack doesn't eat anyone. Remember?

Jeff: *Sigh* You just wanna take the fun out of everything Slendy. Fine, but what are we gonna do with Jack? You know Y/N doesn't like it when he comes out.

???: Relax, he'll pull through. Also... I think killing her would just draw out Jack faster.

Jeff: And why's that?

???: She's his old friend, the one he hung out with at Signal.

Jeff: Shit... Well, I'm off.

Suddenly, the man disappeared and the tall man faced down at me. I shivered slightly and he seemed to notice I was awake.

???: You'll be fine. We may be monsters but we've got morals alright? Unless you killed a puppy in front of a kid or something you won't have to worry about us... Y/N misses you by the way.

My eyes widened as I sat up, but before I could ask the creature anything, he disappeared. I slept soundly for some reason that night and woke up fully refreshed and ready for the entrance exam. 

Timeskip - Exam Start Point

After Ozpin explained the exam to us, the first people were launched into the forest. I was at the end, but there was one empty spot next to me. Before I was launched, it appeared. Right next to me on the last platform. His mask was up a bit and I could see the demonic smile he gave me, before I was launched into the woods.

I was so distracted by the sudden appearance, that I almost forgot to use my gauntlets to soften my landing. I started running into the woods and ran into Blake, who I'd met last night.

Blake: Guess we're partners.

Yang: Guess so.

We ran towards the area we thought we saw a temple. When we got there, we saw the relics we were supposed to grab. Blake and I went up to grab our relics, but were interrupted by Pyrrha running out of the forest being chased by a Deathstalker that Jaune was riding. As they dealt with that, Ruby fell out of the sky from where a Nevermore was flying around.

Timeskip (Because I don't remember this part)

After the Nevermore and Deathstalker were dead, Weiss, Blake, Ruby, Pyrrha, Jaune, Nora, Ren and I all went and grabbed our relics. After we got our relics, we all headed back to where we were supposed to meet when we were done. But before we could get to the trees, we heard a growl. Not a menacing one, but one to grab our attention. We all turned around and froze, seeing the hooded creature with a mask. Y/N.

Y/N: Hello. Long time no see Yang, Ruby. How've you been?

Ruby dropped her scythe and walked towards him.

Ruby: Y-Y/N, Is... Is that you?

Y/N: What, you don't recognize me?

She stopped for a moment before running towards him, embracing him in a hug. She was crying about him leaving us and dying in the woods. Y/N returned the hug and tried to comfort her. All the while, I just stood there, relief washing over me like a gentle wave. It was Y/N, and he wasn't some kind of monster who wanted us dead. I slowly walked over to him as he let go of Ruby and messed up her hair.

Y/N: Hey Yang.

Yang: Hey.

I quickly hugged him which he returned immediately.

Y/N: I missed you guys. 

Yang: We did too. Where were you? What happened to you? 

Y/N: I was with some guys like me. Betrayed and feared. They brought me in after the events that night.

Yang: What do you mean betrayed?

Y/N: Jenny... That bastard son of a bitch, she took my eyes. And then she stole my humanity. I shouldn't have gone with her. I should have stayed with you... I'm sorry.

Yang: No, it's my fault. I should have stopped you. Why would she do this? She didn't know us.

Y/N: It was because I was the 'perfect vessel' for Salem. She is a part of me that come out in my rage and does nothing but kill. He killed the people in the forest, not me. It was Jack.

Yang: Well you're here now, with us. And we're not letting you go!

Y/N: Thank you.


Hey! Thanks for reading! So that happened. What do you think? The perfect way to curve a scary moment with Jeff getting anime chopped by Slender Man to not kill Yang. There will be more of Jeff being a funny idiot so make sure to stop by when it does happen! Next chapter will be Ozpin meeting Y/N and things will go from there. Signing off!


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