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A/N: Hey guys! So I'm finally back here! For this chapter, it'll be switching between your POV and Jack's as he beats the shit out of Ironwood and Winter. Also, while I have no plan for what happens after this fight, I hope to close this up in a few more chapters. I want to finish it because I've got so many more ideas for stories, but can't handle anymore stories at once.

Yami: If you've got any ideas for a 'final boss' event, make sure you comment about it!

A/N: Yes, please do. Enjoy!


I sat in the spring of the forest, feeling it cleanse my mind. I looked at the large tree at the center of the area as I saw an image of the fight playing out. Jack had them on the ropes, as expected. I didn't really care. If they're so stubborn, let it kill them. Quite fitting for them. Although... They might be a bit of a problem. Not because Jack won't be able to finish them, but because he will. Jack could kill them easily, but if Ironwood died then the military would fall apart. Winter would also be a problem because if she died, my friendship with the girls would most likely collapse.

Y/N: Oh well, I'll let Jack bring them to their knees, then I'll take it from there.

I laid back in the spring before looking at my reflection, seeing the face I'd almost forgotten.

I laid back in the spring before looking at my reflection, seeing the face I'd almost forgotten

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In this place, I was a split between the old me and the me now. I had a physical appearance matching what I was before, but my eyes remain missing. I felt at peace here, but right now it was being kept from me by the fight I was viewing through Jack.

3rd Person POV

Winter and Ironwood were both panting slightly as they tried to hold their ground while Jack relentlessly attacked them. The mask was off so his bright, charming, psychotic smile was on display.

Jack: What's this? Tiring out already? But I've got so many more games I want to play! Hahaha!

Ironwood: Just stop this now before we have to use excessive force!

Jack: Really? That sounds like fun! Where's the big gun?

Winter: Why do you think you're a demon!?

Jack: Oh, ice cream... I don't think I'm a demon. I know I'm a demon!

Jack pulled out the gun blade from behind him as he blasted a few rounds of fire dust into  Winter, knocking her down.

Jack: I could do this all day! I don't see why you can't accept reality!

Ironwood: Maybe your reality, but your mental state isn't much to trust right now.

Jack: My 'mental state' doesn't exist! It's just kill kill kill! And a bit of fun in there too!

Winter: Sir, reinforcements are here.

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