A Real Fucking Demon

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A/N: Hey guys! So, this is it. The end game. The final chapter. The finale royale. The-

Yami: Ok, they get it!

A/N: Right... Anyways, this will be the fight with you and Scarecrow, as well as her choice to either join you or stay with Zalgo. Also, we'll have some other favourites fighting the rest of the Slender Proxy!

Yami: We'll keep it quiet, but feel free to comment your guess for the right to an 'I told you so' if they show up.

A/N: Well then, let's kill some people! Enjoy!


Y/N: So, we got a deal? You'll leave Zalgo if I win?

Scarecrow: That's right. But if I win, I get you all to myself!

Y/N: Then let's go!

I rushed at Scarecrow, drawing my blade as I went in to slash her. She moved out of the way, bringing her scythe down towards me, but I just sidestepped the swing and shot at her, making her duck to dodge the shot. I then rushed towards her, attacking with a flurry of randomly placed swipes and thrusts, but she dodged most, only letting one or two get past and graze her arm and shoulder. I leapt back, waiting for her to make the next move, and so she took the time to tease.

Scarecrow: Y'know, if you keep cutting me like that, I'm not so sure if I'll be wanting to sleep with you after this~

Y/N: Y'know, if you keep opening your mouth, you'll leave yourself open.

Scarecrow: Open?

Then, Scarecrow got knocked to the ground by a hit to the back of the head. She dropped and I saw Yang standing there with a smirk.

Yang: If anyone sleeps with him, it'll be me!

I facepalmed.

Y/N: Yang, not the right time for that.

Yang: Well, when is the right time?

Y/N: You'll know. Just go and help the others. I'll handle whatever fight she's got left.

Yang: Fine, but this talk's not over.

Y/N: Of course it's not...

Yang ran off to find the rest of team RWBY who were helping other students. I went up to Scarecrow and crouched down to her level.

Y/N: I almost feel like you weren't trying.

Scarecrow: You played dirty...

Y/N: Yeah, but that's why you love me, isn't it?

Scarecrow chuckled a slight bit.

Scarecrow: Of course it is.

Y/N: So, I guess I won.

Scarecrow: Not that bad an outcome. I get to be with you again and I don't have to put up with Zalgo's shit anymore.

Y/N: The only reason it's not a full win for you is cause you have to share, isn't it?

Scarecrow: Yeah, but I'm not complaining. Just means more interesting fun in the bedroom~

Y/N: Of course you'd think of that... Well, you're with us now. You can wait for me to finish cleaning up this mess, right?

Scarecrow: Right. If I'm feeling more up to it, I'll try to help you out later.

Y/N: Right. Well, I'm off.

The Vale Demon (Eyeless Jack Reader - RWBY Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now