Yang's Experience With The Devil

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A/N: Hey guys! Back again with more of your favourite Demon Huntsman! You! Last time, you may or may not have had the shit beat out of you after messing with most of everyone in the mansion. Now, because you got so hopelessly messed up, Ann has to patch you up.

Yami: Is she gonna be like the Ann from the Fem!Creepypasta story?

A/N: No, she's gonna be more like her actual character. Cold and distant. Ann's not really a fan of others, but she changes completely when dealing with an injured person. So, she'll be ok with the others in the mansion, but...

Yami: But, what? 

A/N: When it comes to Y/N, she's a bit of a tsundere...

Yami: Ah... Yang got some competition now.

A/N: Yup, but we all know how it ends... right? 

Yami: Yeah. It is a Reader x RWBY story after all.

A/N: Right! Enjoy!


I woke up in a dark room on a soft surface after the beating from the others. It hurt quite a bit, but I shut down all my systems halfway through, so they were basically beating a corpse. Still, so worth it. I got a good laugh so all's good. I realized I was in the mansion's infirmary. That only meant one thing... Ann. She was... ok? She was always kinda cold to us, but got really emotional when someone was hurt. 

I remember over the summer, I came back to the mansion after training with Jeff and I was beat to shit because a King Taijitu showed up during our training. Jeff was ok, but I was on the brink of death. I was brought to Ann, and she practically broke down when she saw me all bloodied and beaten. I always thought she was kinda weird, but she warmed up to me a little over time. I was thinking back on how weird it was when I started as a monster, when Ann walked in.

Ann: Ah, you're awake!

Y/N: Yeah, sorry for the bother.

Ann: You gave me a panic attack, you know! Everyone said you died!

Y/N: Huh?

I tilted my head in confusion before remembering I really was dead for a minute or two.

Y/N: Oh, right... Well, funny thing... I kinda did die... But just for a minute!

Ann: What!?

Y/N: Relax, relax. I just shut down while they beat me up for messing with them.

Ann walked over and handed me my mask. I only now realized I wasn't wearing it.

Y/N: Oh, my mask?

Ann: I took it off while you were sleeping.

Y/N: Well, may as well leave it for now. My face could use some air.

Ann: You're not going to cover up?

Y/N: I don't feel the need here.

Ann: Your not uncomfortable?

Y/N: You sound pretty concerned. Something wrong?

Ann: N-Nothing! I just don't see how you can feel comfortable without your mask!

I remembered that Ann covered her face because she felt ashamed of her missing eye and scared side of her face.

Y/N: I'd like to know why you don't loosen up a bit.

Ann: Huh?

Y/N: You could take off your mask y'know.

Ann: But... my face-

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