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A/N: Hey guys! So I'm back to these stories now that my Halloween special is done and I'm not dying. This means that until Christmas, I'll be focused on these stories you seem to like so much.

Yami: Well, you have put a lot into them. And they're far from done.

A/N: Shhh, they aren't supposed to know that yet.

Yami: Oh right, sorry...

A/N: It's cool. 

Yami: Also, what with the song?

A/N: The title of this chapter is Annoying. And this song just fit because... memes. Enjoy!


Last night was long... The girls chased me all across the school trying to get me to talk. I lost them eventually, but I passed out after. I was just waking up now, noting that I was on the roof. I got up and stretched my limbs before testing my power with a quick teleport. I teleported to RWBY's dorm and noticed they were all out cold.

Y/N: I guess that chase wore them out too...

I warped back to the manor and noticed that nobody was up. I checked the kitchen and saw Slendy putting bacon in the oven.

Y/N: Hey Slendy!

Slender: Good morning, Y/N. How was Jack? Behaving himself?

Y/N: He killed a few White Fang guys but that's all.

Slender: So nothing too bad.

Y/N: Yup. Hey, is everyone still asleep?

Slender: Most of them. Clockwork and Jane are awake.

Y/N: Well where are they?

Slender: Talking maybe? They came down for a minute and went back up.

Y/N: Alright then. You know I'm having some of that bacon too right?

Slender: You don't have class?

Y/N: That's hours from now!

Slender: Mmm hmm...

Y/N: Besides, I can just warp back. It won't take long!

Slendy just continued to stare at me.

Y/N: I'll do the thing!

He stiffened up after I said that.

Slender: You wouldn't dare...

Y/N: Do you really wanna take that chance? After all, you remember last time right?

Slender: I do, and Jeff almost killed you.

Y/N: So that's a... yes on the bacon?

Slender: That's a no...

Y/N: Alright then... guess I'll start with Clocky and Jane.

Slender reached out to try and stop me but I just warped out of the kitchen.

Slender: *sigh* He's going to get killed one of these days...

I arrived in front of a room where I could hear Jane and Clockwork talking on the other side. I faded into the shadow under the door and used it to sneak into the room. They were sitting on the bed, talking about killer stuff as I snuck through the shadows behind them. I got out of the shadow behind them and lunged at Jane first. I went straight for her side's and began to tickle her. I was disturbingly good at finding the most exploitable parts of someone. Jane's weak spots were her sides and back of her neck.

Jane tried to yell at me to stop, but couldn't because she couldn't stop laughing. She desperately looked to Clockwork and reached out to her, only for Clockwork to take out her scroll and try not to laugh as she recorded the torture session. I looked at Clockwork and smirked. I let Jane go and she collapsed on the bed, before I warped behind Clocky and found her spot on her neck. I grabbed her shoulder with one hand and her neck with the other.

The Vale Demon (Eyeless Jack Reader - RWBY Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now