Why We Have A Pool

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A/N: Hey guys! So now, since Yang is coming to the mansion, we get a chance to see why you have a pool!

Yami: And why is that?

A/N: Why to advance the plot of course! And also to advance the other 'plot'.

Yami: Ah, Yang's plot I'm guessing.

A/N: Yeah. And Ann's too. Course, she might be a bit reluctant. Remember, shy. Anyways, sorry for the wait, I won't hold you any longer! Enjoy!


After Ann, Yang, and I had gotten to the mansion, I opened the door.

Y/N: Hey, guys! Get down here, I need to talk to you!

Everyone made their way downstairs, gathering in the living room. Ann and I walked in with Yang behind us.

Jeff: What's up Y/N? You never call meetings.

Y/N: A slight problem has been introduced to me. And now, at least for just tonight, I need you to promise me something.

Jess: Promise you what?

I stepped out of the way of Yang, revealing her to the others.

Y/N: This is Yang, my girlfriend. You're to treat her with respect and not try anything with her. And if anyone touches a hair on her head... well, I'll be the least of your worries.

Ben and Jeff: GIRLFRIEND!?

Toby: Wait, so Y/N finally got lucky?

Y/N: Shut it, Toby. And yeah, girlfriend. 1 of 2.

The others looked at me confused before Ann started to blush, leading the others to realize what was going on.

Jeff: You hooked up with both of them!?

Y/N: Jack was the deciding vote, but yeah.

Clockwork: Can't believe you'd leave your relationship up to Jack.

Y/N: Yeah, not sure if I owe him or if he owes me.

Yang hugged my arm, pressing herself onto me as she gave me a seductive smile.

Yang: I'm sure you'll like this~

Jeff: Wow, you really did get lu-

Jeff was cut off by Jess punching him into the floor. Slender let out a sigh before looking back at me.

Slender: I'll keep an eye on her while she's here. And I'll make sure Trender watches Offender.

Y/N: Thanks Slendy. You're always a big help.

I gave everyone a wave as Yang, Ann, and I all left the room, going to my bedroom. They entered and I started to set up where Yang would be sleeping.

Y/N: My bed's pretty big so I'm sure you'll have no problem sleeping in my bed with me and Ann.

Yang: I like the sound of that~

Y/N: Now, I guess you'll want to be trying out the pool?

Yang: Wha- How did you know!?

Y/N: Please, I know you like I know the taste of blood... Ok, bad analogy.

Yang: Ya don't say...

Y/N: Well I'd say I knew you like the back of my hand, but I don't know the back of my hand at all.

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