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Hey guys! So this is the chapter where Jack decides he wants to take the wheel. I'd say that speaks for it's self. BTW pic is courtesy of yours truly. Mostly. I took a picture I found and re-drew it. Not bad for an amateur right? Enjoy!

Yang's POV

I was with the rest of the team sitting in our dorm. Classes just ended and it's been two days since Y/N went off with the others and left those two with us for the night. They left at midnight that night, but Y/N hasn't come back.

Yang: Where do you guys think Y/N is?

Weiss: Maybe he's off doing monster stuff?

Blake: He did seem like he'd like a break.

Ruby: Should we look for him?

???: No need.

We all turned to the door to see Y/N was standing there. His mask was on but his hood was down. 

Yang: There you are! What happened? Why didn't you-

I was cut off by Y/N disappearing and reappearing behind me. He was really close to me. Way to close for comfort.

Y/N: So you're Yang? That guy's got good taste.

Weiss: What are you talking about? 

I was shivering at this point. Y/N was breathing down my neck as he had lifted his mask slightly. He was also running his fingers along my neck.

???: I suppose you'd have no reason to know... Maybe I should demonstrate? No, Y/N would be pissed off if I did that.

This wasn't Y/N. I don't know who they are, but it's not Y/N. I pulled away and readied my gauntlets. 

Yang: Who are you!?

???: Now now hothead, you wouldn't want to blow your old friends face off now would you?

Yang: I don't know who you are! What did you do with Y/N!?

???: *sigh* I can't believe he didn't tell you... wait, he did. Take a wild guess.

I thought back to anything important Y/N may have told us. Then it clicked.

Jack: I see from your face you figured it out?

Blake: What's he talking about?

Yang: It's Jack.

The others looked shocked. This was the first time we had seen Jack. His voice was slightly distorted and he wore his mask slightly above his mouth to show his sinister smile.

Jack: Damn, Y/N really knows how to pick 'em. I'm glad he's my host.

Ruby: Host?

Jack: I suppose it won't hurt to tell you. I'm the being that lives deep inside Y/N. The soul of the last Eyeless Demon. We share the same past, powers... and tragedy.

Weiss: Well where is Y/N?

Jack: He's all out of gas. Dropped half dead from exhaustion helping the others with their date. I decided to take over while he recovers.

Yang: Well, it's been two days! Can I have him back now!?

Jack: .... HAHAHA! You said- HAHAHAHA! You sound like you've already gotten pretty 'friendly' with him! Am I right?

I blushed from embarrassment. Me and Y/N? How would that work?

Yang: N-NO! I have not 'gotten friendly' with him!

The Vale Demon (Eyeless Jack Reader - RWBY Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now