Demonic Takeover

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A/N: Hey guys! So last time we saw you, it was the dance. And so, with no votes to have a lemon, we move on to the fall of Beacon. 

Yami: Isn't that a little sudden?

A/N: Yeah, but I'm running out of ideas for all my stories (aside from the fem creepypasta story) so I have to move things along and get started on posting my new stories.

Yami: Oh yeah. You've had some chapters on those two ready for a while now.

A/N: Yeah, but if I post them now, I'll have to include them in the pattern of updates, making everyone have to wait even longer for chapters! Which is why this chapter will be the last!

Yami: No season 4 or 5?

A/N: Not unless I get bombarded with requests for a sequel. Anyways, I've kept you long enough. Enjoy!


It's been a while since the dance and the tournament has really gone into full swing. We've moved past the double round and I finally get to fight! Because I'm on my own, I have to fight an Atlas specialist. They said because I didn't have a team, I couldn't be entered into the tournament, but I would still fight. 

To get ready for the fight, I trained with Jeff. His fast movements and powerful strikes made for good practice. I was one of the few in the mansion who could keep up with his speed. If Atlas was sending their best specialist my way, I'd better be ready for a fast opponent. Jeff and I have now been training for 2 hours, practicing mixups and evasion skills.

Jeff: Alright, I think that'll do. You've got this fight in the bag!

Y/N: I hope so. Ozpin said I can't let Jack out for the fight, so I'm on my own.

Jeff: You can't just talk to him in your head?

Y/N: No, there's a moment during the consciousness trade that we can talk, but that's it.

Jeff: Huh. Well, your fight is today right?

Y/N: Yeah, a few more hours till I win.

Jeff: Don't get too cocky.

I smirked before grabbing my mask and put it on.

Y/N: See ya.

Jeff: I'll come to watch the fight. Want me to bring the others?

Y/N: Sure. Just try to stay under the radar.

Jeff: Fine, fine.

I waved at Jeff before warping to the festival grounds. I stopped by a grill stand and grabbed some meat. It's been a while since I had beef. It's a lot saltier than I remember. But I didn't mind. Maybe kidneys just taste better sweet than salty. I shook off the thought as I bit into the steak, my mask on my belt. As I ripped into the meat, I noticed I was getting looks from the people around me.

Most people at Beacon know about me and have learned to just go with it when I take the mask off. However, no one else outside of Beacon really knew about me. So with all the unfamiliar faces around me, I was getting looks of terror from students from the other academies.

???: Excuse me?

I turned to the sound of the voice as I looked around. I then heard someone clear their throat, making me look down a bit to see the outline of a little girl's aura. 

???: Are you Y/N?

Y/N: That's me. Who are you? Don't you know better than to go near a demon, little girl?

???: I'm not a little girl! I'll have you know I'm one of Atlas' strongest specialists!

Y/N: Huh? They recruit children now?

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