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Hey guys! So this chapter is going to go something like this. Y/N is accepted into Beacon as a one man team. Why? Because he'd kill his teammates and or eat them before the second week. He's in the school because Ozpin's scared of him and Y/N 'promises to be good' while he attends. Read on to find out if he keeps his promise. Oh wait! CRDL... well shit. Enjoy!


After the entrance exam, team RWBY and I were heading over to the checkpoint to finish. On the way there, we all talked about how things were after I 'died'. Ruby didn't know what to make of it and Yang wouldn't tell me.

Y/N: Sooo, Yang, what did you do after I disappeared?

Yang: Uhh, well I... I umm...

Ruby: Come on Yang, tell him.

She looked away and I noticed a faint blush on her face. I had a feeling she didn't do anything worth mentioning, but if she did, it was something uncomfortable to talk about.

Y/N: Don't worry about it, I won't press it.

Yang: T-thanks Y/N.

As we finished talking, we made it to the checkpoint and were met by Ozpin. He gave a curious look at us and I knew he was focused on me.

Ozpin: Congratulations girls, you did well. Now, who is your new friend?

Ruby: He's our old friend from Signal! He's a-

I covered her mouth and she got the message. I didn't want this guy to know about my... tastes. But I was ok with him knowing who I was.

Yang: He was supposed to be here too but... something happened.

Ozpin: You graduated from Signal? If you don't mind my asking, what happened?

Y/N: I was kidnapped and tortured on grad night.

Ozpin: That's horrible! Well I would like to offer you a second chance. You can join beacon as you intended to do, but you will be a one man team.

Y/N: Sounds good to me. Besides, putting me on a team might not be the best thing.

Ozpin: And why is that?

I surveyed his body movements and heart rate. I checked everything and determined I could trust him. I trusted Weiss and Blake after all.

Y/N: I'd eat them.

Ozpin's face grew a terrified look and he fumbled his words before finally questioning me.

Ozpin: E-eat them? W-why would you eat them?

Y/N: 'Cause I'm a demon.

I spoke casually as Ozpin backed up slightly, I could hear his heart rate increase and fear was all over his face.

Y/N: Doesn't mean that I'm out to kill everyone. Maybe cultists... or people who piss me off.

Ozpin regained his composure before speaking again.

Ozpin: Well then, I can't just have a demon running around in my school I'm afraid I'll have to-

Before he said another word, I had teleported behind him and raised my mask slightly to expose my teeth.

Y/N: Think carefully about what you're about to say. I graduated from Signal just like Yang. No shortcuts, always hard working. I'm not gonna take no as an answer. I didn't go to school for nothing.

Ozpin: W-well, I suppose if you were to promise to behave yourself here, you could attend. But as I said you'd be a one man team.

Y/N: Then we have an accord.

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