Demon Dance

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A/N: Hey guys! So, since no one said a god damn word in the last chapter, no lemon for this chapter. Not yet... maybe a lime? Who knows?

Yami: I'd say you do, but I don't think you plan anything out very much.

A/N: Yeah, I don't really plan ahead. But, I do know that this is the part where the Vytal Festival has started! And you know what that means?

Yami: Rave chapter?

A/N: Not quite. It means the tournament! Which I will be skipping to promptly... after the dance of course.

Yami: So how's the dance gonna go this time? Last time you wrote a dance chapter, it ended with a lemon.

A/N: I guess the reader will have to read on to find out! Enjoy!

3rd Person POV

As the three lovers all got into the sauna, Ann was beet red, Y/N was mostly calm, and Yang was eyeing Y/N like a lion to a deer. Y/N cleared his throat to gain the girls' attention.

Y/N: So, while I have the chance, I'd like to let you know that the school dance is coming up. So, I need to know. Ann?

Ann looked over to Y/N, still blushing profusely.

Y/N: Are you coming to the dance?

Ann: Huh? Me? The dance?

Y/N: Yeah. Yang will be there. It wouldn't be right if you didn't come.

Ann: W-Well... I guess I could come... since you asked.

Yang: Cool! We can see who's the better dancer! Best one wins a night alone with Y/N!

Ann: H-Hey! I've never danced! That's not fair!

Y/N sighed as the girls had their usual back and forth, the topic going from one thing to another very quickly. This went on for a few minutes before Yang went over to Y/N. Before he could react, Yang sat down in his lap. Ann blushed and fumed as Yang displayed her forwardness. Meanwhile, Y/N just blushed a dark red.

Yang: See Ann, this is how you make a move!

Yang stayed on Y/N lap as she pressed herself onto him more before Ann pulled her off.

Ann: Would you stop? He's gonna pass out!

Yang: Please, you're just jealous that you couldn't sit on him~

Ann: I-I am not! Y/N!

Y/N: Y-Yeah?

Ann: I'll go to the dance with you! On one condition!

Y/N: A-And that is?

Ann: Y-You have to... you have to... s-sleep with me tonight!

Yang and Y/N: WHAT!?

Y/N: S-S-Sleep with you!?

Ann: N-Not like... s-sex... Just cuddling...

Y/N: O-Oh. Yeah, sure. That sounds nice.

Yang: Aww, no fair! I wanted to cuddle with him!

Ann: Well maybe you should've made a move.

Yang gritted her teeth and Ann smirked deviously at her, still blushing. Y/N stood up, clearing his throat.

Y/N: So, it's getting late. We should get to sleep. Yang, Ann, since there's only one bed to share between us, you have to play nice.

Yang: Sure thing Y/N~

Yang pressed herself against Y/N again as she gave him a suggestive look. Ann, who was most definitely jealous, pressed herself against Y/N's other side, taking it a step further and leaning up, kissing Y/N. Y/N was in too much shock and confusion to react as Ann practically made out with him.

The Vale Demon (Eyeless Jack Reader - RWBY Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now