Hell Of A Party

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A/N: Hey guys! So this is the dance chapter! However, I'll be breaking away from the norm with this one. Rather than some bland-ish boring shit like a quick battle between Cinder and Ruby where Cinder bitches out, you'll get to kick some ass and rip people apart!

Yami: Who are they gonna rip apart at a dance?

A/N: Well, I won't say, but you can say what you think in the comments before you move forward. Anyways, I just saw Deadpool 2 so I'm in a gory mood. Enjoy!


It was the night of the dance and Yang had dragged Ann off somewhere. Yang said it was a surprise, and I had a rough idea of what she was going to pull. 

Jeff: Well, you look like you're in a good mood.

Y/N: Yeah, Ann and Yang are out getting some surprise. 

Jeff: What do you think it is?

Y/N: Either they're getting dresses to surprise me with, or Yang is going for something that might make things awkward.

Jess: They're getting a dress to impress you?

Toby: How are you supposed to see the dress on either of them?

Y/N: ......

Yang's POV

I felt my scroll buzz in my pocket as I pulled it out and saw Y/N was calling me. I turned to Ann and motioned to it. She nodded and I picked up.

Yang: Hey Y/N, what's up?

Y/N: Don't "what's up" me. You and Ann are getting dresses, aren't you?

Yang: W-What? What gave you that idea?

Y/N: You do realize that I won't be able to see your dress, right?

I took a few seconds to realize what he meant before I got it.

Y/N: You were getting a dress, weren't you?

Yang: Yeah... Sorry I keep forgetting.

Y/N sighed before telling me it was fine. I hung up and turned to Ann who was giving me a knowing look.

Yang: What?

Ann: I tried to tell you.

Yang: Well why didn't you then!?

Ann: Because you kept cutting me off!


I sighed as I put away my scroll. Jeff snickered a bit before coming up to me.

Jeff: Hey, buddy, pal! Wanna go kill someone with me?

Y/N: Yes, please...

Timeskip brought to you by Deadpool 2 End Credit Scene

It was now the night of the dance. Jeff and I had a good time murdering some random people a little too close to the forest. The occasional teenager along with a rapist who was in the middle of trying to strip someone. We gave her a nice show, shooting his dick off before slitting his throat. Jeff did this thing where he pins the corpse to something like a wall and then cuts their eyelids off and carves a smile into their face. It was like his calling card. 

Mine was a stitched up area on the person's stomach. Of course, I don't kill everyone I eat. Sometimes I'll cut them open in their sleep and then grab the kidneys before sewing it shut. But how I dissect my prey isn't important! What is important was that I was in a suit, with a bunch of demons, also in suits and dresses, going to my school dance.

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