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A/N: Hey guys! So we're back again here! Last time I left you with that great little situation! Now you get to deal with it!

Yami: This could only go well...

A/N: Yeah, I actually debated making that the end of the chapter, but I figured I could get away with it.

Yami: Right, it didn't really fit her personality. But I guess if she got jealous she'd do that, so I'd say you're in the clear!

A/N: Thank you Yami! Now on with the story! Enjoy!

3rd Person POV

After Ann's outburst, everyone stared at her and Y/N in shock. Ann had quickly realized what she said and her face went as red as her eye. Yang was trying to speak but was just stuttering with a heavy blush on her face as well. Y/N was still trying to wrap his head around what Ann just said.

Yang: W-W-What!?

Ann: Y-Yeah! His girlfriend!

Y/N: Huh?

Yang: Y-Y/N!

Y/N jumped as his name was called.

Y/N: Wha-

Yang: I-Is that true!?

Y/N: Uhh... Oh, look at the time! Gotta go, people to kill! You know-

Yang grabbed him by his hood as he tried to walk away. She dragged him back before looking at Ann once again, seeing her red face. She looked suspicious before she smirked and held up Y/N.

Yang: How can you be his girlfriend when I'm his girlfriend?

Ann: W-Wha!?

Y/N: Huh!?

Yang: Y-Yeah! T-That's right!

Y/N: Wait wait wait! What the hell is going on!?

Yang nervously chuckled before trying to drag him off.

Ann: Hey! Get back here!

Ann and Yang then glared at each other while Y/N escaped from Yang's grasp. He appeared next to Weiss and Ruby as he caught his breath.

Weiss: And I thought Ruby was the strangest one here...

Ruby: Hey!

Y/N: I don't get it... Why are they saying I'm their boyfriend?

Weiss: You are such a dolt.

Ruby: It looks to me like they really like you.

Y/N: They what?

Blake: I think that Ann girl got jealous of Yang hugging you so she tried to say something that would get her off. Then Yang got jealous of her and tried to one-up her.

Y/N: You seem very informed...

Blake: I-I might... read something like this...

Y/N: In any case, they look ready to drop the gloves.

Ruby: What gloves?

Y/N: I mean fight...

Ruby: Ohhh.

Weiss facepalmed before Y/N walked over to the two girls to stop them before they throw down. But Y/N wasn't about to go walk into something he couldn't resolve without hurting one of them. So he resigned control to Jack. As Jack walked up to them they stopped glaring at each other and turned to him.

The Vale Demon (Eyeless Jack Reader - RWBY Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now