A Demon Triple Date

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Hey guys! So this chapter will just be a fun little date with Sally and Ben taking Jeff, Jane, Toby and Clockwork to a movie and dinner. It will be just them and none of our other characters, but it will have a purpose later when Y/N or 'Jack' gets with one of the girls. *cough* Yang *cough* But until then, I need to build these 6 and their relationships so I don't have to wing it as much later. Enjoy!


After I woke up from that nightmare I induced, I found Yang, Weiss, Blake and Ruby all staring at me. I got up and rubbed the back of my head.

Y/N: Hey, enjoy your dream?

Yang: Y/N... what are you exactly?

Y/N: That's a tough question... I guess... I'm the god of the Grimm?

Ruby: God of Grimm?

Y/N: You two remember what I said about graduation night right?

They looked down sadly at the mention of that horrible night.

Y/N: Well I was 'sacrificed' to the Goddess of Grimm Salem and now I house her power. But only some, that's why I'm... the way I am.

Weiss: So was Salem a demon of some sort?

Y/N: I don't actually know, I just got kidnapped, had my eyes ripped out and then killed some cultists. I've got no clue about this Salem person they worshiped.

Blake: So... why did we have those dreams?

Y/N: Jack was bored. So I let him out a bit to play. He does these things from time to time.

Ruby: So we've been talking to Jack and not you?

Y/N: More or less.

Yang: So can things go back to normal now?

Y/N: Well... not just yet.

Yang: Why!?

Y/N: I uh, have to keep my word to the others... lunch.

They all looked at me with blank faces.

Weiss: L-lunch... really...

Y/N: I'm sorry! But Slendy will have my head if I don't keep up my end of the bargain! When I scared just Weiss, I promised Slender and the others lunch as payment for their help!

Yang: So you scare people... and in return you get lunch for the people who help?

Y/N: You're not demons or monsters so you can't use that as a way to get free lunches... Ruby would have the opposite affect, Blake is too calm, Yang would probably punch them before scaring them and Weiss... well, she'd be Weiss.

Weiss: What's that supposed to mean!?

Yang: He means you'd probably just yell something to scare them and if that doesn't work, you'll yell at them complaining.

Ruby: Yang's right.

Weiss glared at us and I cleared my throat to bring the attention back to me.

Y/N: So as I was saying, I have to take them for lunch. After that I'll be out for a little longer.

Blake: Why's that?

Y/N: ...Toby. He needs my help getting him a proper date.

Yang: Toby?

Weiss: Isn't he that axe guy?

Y/N: Yup, and he wanted me to get him a place with no people who would run and scream. I finally found a place and now I've got to set it up and then let them do their thing.

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