twenty six.

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*another magical time skip to a month later*

Last month went by so quickly. After Mom told me she had cancer, everything changed. There wasn't any suspicious acting anymore, Mom told me when she went to the hospital.

She hasn't gotten better yet, though. At least, that's what it looks like. She's got more wrinkles and all of her hair is gone because of the chemo. She wears a wig, at home too. I told her I don't mind if she doesn't have hair, because she is beautiful either way. She said she preferred wearing a wig. I get that.

I've told Phil about Mom. I haven't told Sun yet, though. I know they're the same person, but if he finds out I'm Moon, everything might change. I can't risk it, so I don't talk to him a lot. And with that, I mean barely once a week. I can still feel what he feels, but I don't really pay attention to it.

I wonder if he feels sad about it. I obviously know Sun and Phil are the same person, so when I'm talking to Phil, I know I'm talking to my soulmate. Phil doesn't know. He might think Moon hates him or something.

Hi, Sun.

Moon! Hi! How have you been?

Good, thank you. I was busy, that's why I haven't talked to you a lot. I'm sorry.

No problem!

I have to pretend I don't know anything. I can't suddenly ask Sun something about a topic we talked about on Skype, for example. He'd find out I'm Moon instantly.

So how is your wrist?

I already know what his answer will be. The cast can be removed in two weeks.

Good! The cast can be removed in two weeks!

Told you.


I don't want to keep pretending I don't know who Sun is for much longer. I'm scared I'll accidentally tell him somehow.

Why are you stressed?

How do you know I'm stressed?

I can feel what you feel.

Oh yeah, right. I've got a test tomorrow and I haven't studied.

What if you tell me what you have to study, and then when you're taking the test I can tell you the answers.

I've literally never thought of that. That is such a good idea, oh my god.

I know right! I'm proud of myself. Let's not do this too often, though.

Yeah, let's just do it this one time. Usually I always study, but recently there has been too much on my mind.

What's wrong? You can tell me.

It's nothing, don't worry.

I can't tell him. Not yet.

"Dan? I'm home." I hear a weak voice from downstairs. I quickly get out of my room and walk to the living room to see Mom. I want to cherish every moment with her.

"Hi Mom!" I say, as I hug her. "Why did you do the groceries? You know I could've done it."

She doesn't respond. I feel her getting heavier in my arms.

"Mom?!" I pull away from the hug, but Mom almost falls on the ground.

I quickly help her to the couch and lie her down, whilst instantly calling 911. I explain the situation. Meanwhile, I make sure she doesn't lose consciousness.

"Mom! Mom, please answer me."

She doesn't say anything, it looks like she can fall asleep at any moment.

The sound of the loud sirens enters my ears, as my breathing gets more unstable every second. I'm not going to have a panic attack right now, the ambulance is here. It's fine. Mom is probably tired and maybe I overreacted by calling an ambulance. It's fine. It's all good.

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