Chapter 3 - The Release Of Vampire Sweetheart 3

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The next day I was walking to school with the project in my hands. I had on my favourite blue hoodie and a pair of jeans along with my white sneakers. I arrived at school in 10 minutes. As I entered the school I kept hearing people talking about the release of the new movie Vampire Sweetheart 3. I was'nt into those movies because I always thought they were terrible representations of who Vampires really were. I tried to ignore it but people were talking about it everywhere throughout the school.

Besides everyone talking about this movie something else caught my eye. Maddie sitting on a bench by herself. She seemed to be sad about something. I decided to walk over to her to find out what was wrong.

"Hi Maddie," I greeted

"Oh, hi Marc," She replied, "The project looks great," She said while looking down at the project

"Thanks...You don't look so great though. What happened?" I asked

"Nothing really, it's just that Micheal has'nt answered any of my text or my calls so i'm kinda worried," Maddie explained

I paused for a second and thought about what to tell Maddie.

"Umm....I'm sure he is ok. Maybe he's just sick and his phone is dead," I replied nervously

"Maybe," Maddie said

"Now anyway, the Maddie I know would'nt spend her time crying over a boy," I said then walked away, "I covered that well but I need to talk to Dave," I said to myself

When I reached the front door of the school a flyer for Vampire Sweetheart was on it. I just took it off and threw it down. Then I entered the school and there were flyers all over the wall. Who knew people could be so obsessive over a boring movie. I walked up to my locker and there was even a flyer for the movie on it. Something on the flyer caught my attention. The movie was being showed at Brad's house today. It was a midnight party under the full moon so I knew Brad was up to something. I had to stop this. Just then Dave and Brandon walked up.

"Are you really reading that?" Dave asked

"No," I replied

"I think you were," Dave said

"That movie is gonna be trash and even I know it," Brandon said

"I'm not reading it," I replied, "Dave I need to talk to you," I said

I put the project it Brandon's hands then pulled Dave by the hand to the boys bathroom.

"Woah Marc, i'm not gay. I'm trying to get with Maddi..." Dave started saying

"I saw what you did to Micheal yesterday," I said

"What are you talking about?" Dave asked nervously

"Don't play dumb with me I even know the heart is in your bag," I replied while pointing at Dave's bag

"What heart?" Dave asked trying to hide the secret even longer

I grabbed Dave's bag forcefully and pulled out Micheal's heart inside of it.

"Fine you caught me. What are you gonna do kill me, turn me over to animal control, tell Maddie?" Dave asked while make hand gestures

"No.......I can't believe you're a werewolf and you literally just threw his body into a bush. What if Maddie finds it. She's already upset," I said

"Micheal was trash so I desposed of him and trust me she won't find it," Dave replied

"Well I have something to tell you....i'm kinda a....Vampire," I said, "And I need your help to stop Brad because he's a vampire too and he's gonna kill everybody at the showcasing of Vampire Sweetheart 3," I explained

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