Chapter 14 - The Blood Moon

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I woke up in the middle of the night because of the same nightmare. Only to see the moon big and bright. However, once my eyes adjusted to the environment, I quickly noticed it was a blood moon. I looked over to where Dave and Maddie were sleeping only to see an empty blanket.

"Guys wake up!" I yelled and shook them one after the other.

They woke up after a while and Brandon asked,

"W-W-What?" While sitting up on their blanket.

"We have a problem." I said then pointed to the moon.

Brandon battered his eyes together before saying,

"Woah where did this come from?" In shock while springing to his feet.

Nia and Kendall then sat up on the blankets they were on.

"I don't know but I think Maddie and Dave got a headstart on finding where it did come from." I said and looked over at their empty blanket.

"Ok this is not good. Call Aldon and you guys stay here. I'm going out into the woods to find them." Brandon instructed.

"No babe i'll come with you." Nia sprung to her feet and said.

"It's too dangerous you're safer with Kendall and Marc." Brandon replied.

Nia took hold of Brandon's hand and looked into his eyes then said,

"Be safe." While placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

They released hands and we watched as he disappeared into the woods.

"He'll be alright." Kendall comforted Nia.

The three of us sat down on one blanket and waited for Aldon's arrival. Not long after Aldon landed on the ground between us.

"You called?" He asked.

"Yeah sit and wait for Brandon to come back." I replied.

"That's no fun." Aldon replied back.

"Just do it. It's what Brandon wants." Nia said.

Aldon then took his seat beside Kendall and we did what Brandon said - stayed. We all eventually fell asleep but I woke back up once I heard growling.

"Guys.... do you hear that?" I asked while sitting up.

The growling repeated itself.

"Guys wake up!" I yelled and then they got up slowly, "Do you hear that?" I asked again.

"Hear what?" Kendall asked while streching .

There was the growling again. Our eyes surveyed the area and soon a pack of wolves emerged from the woods. My eyes widened in fear as the eight wolves came closer and closer. Their mouths dripping with foam with hunger in their eyes. We sprung to our feet and started backing up to the house the closer they came.

"What do we do?" Aldon whispered to me.

"Well eight wolves four of us we each take two." I instructed.

"Marc i'm not sure if i'm ready to fight two wolves especially with them in this state." Kendall said.

We came in contact with the house unable to go back any further.

"Don't you have any other spells?" Nia asked.

"I only memorized the easy ones so far and I dont have the book with me." Kendall replied

"Well the only other option is...." I began saying.

The wolves began to dash towards us.

"Flee!" I yelled.

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