Chapter 17 - Hybrid Blood Part 1

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A knock came from my door the next day waking me up from my slumber.

"Come in!" I yelled as my eyes opened.

"Hi Marc." I heard the door open and Kendall greet.

"Hi Kendall." I turned on the bed facing her and said.

She placed her bag down on the ground beside the door then took a seat beside me on the bed.

"How do you feel?" She asked.

"Still in pain." I sat up on the bed and answered.

Kendall placed a gentle kiss on my cheek before saying,

"Don't worry after today you'll be back to normal."

Kendall got up from the bed and began to look through her bag. Then she closed it and threw it over her back.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"We're going to get that blood for you." Kendall replied the flew out the window.

"Stay safe!" I yelled as she left.

Kendall's P.O.V.

As I was flying Aldon appeared beside me.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"100%." I replied as we neared Dave's house in the woods.

We landed on the ground nearby and walked the rest of the distance. As we arrived at the house, only Chase was there sitting on the front porch.

"The vampires!" He yelled.

"Can it Chase!" Aldon yelled back.

"I'll kill you both!" Chase yelled and then dashed towards us. Jumping at us when he neared.

"Firmum!" I yelled while Chase was half way in the air.

Chase froze in mid-air completely unable to move.

"Kendall!" I heard Dave yell from behind me.

"What?" I asked turning to him seeing him walking with Maddie, Brandon and Nia.

"What did you do to him?" Dave asked.

"Don't worry it's just an imobility spell. He's just stuck like this till I release him." I replied.

"Well release him because he knows the way like the back of his hand." Dave said.

I stepped beside Chase's floating body and Aldon stepped to the other side then snapped my fingers. Chase went soaring into Dave and they both crashed to the ground. We laughed as Dave pushed Chase of him.

"Not cool." Dave said while getting up and brushing off his clothes, "Now let's get ready we leave at sunset." Dave commanded then we began walking to the house.

"Who said I would help you guys?" Chase asked getting off the ground stopping us in our Tracks.

"I said so because you got us into this mess and if you don't help us," Dave began saying and moved closer to Chase, "I'll cut your head of with the silver sword." I ended then continued to walk towards the house.

The rest of us looked at Chase in disgust before following behind Dave. As we arrived in what was left of the house, Dave handed us all black battle suits and we all got ready. Maddie, Nia and I all decided to put our hair in ponytails and when everyone was finished getting ready, we met back in the living room minutes before the sun began setting. Everyone except Chase.

"Ok guys so this is what we're going to do." Dave started.

"Where is Chase?" Nia asked.

"He'll join us soon. Now when we get to the blood river, we have to defeat the king and we have to bring his sharpest tooth. When we reach the land of four moons we have to defeat him and bring his sharpest tooth," Dave began explaining.

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