Chapter 11 - The Return

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The sun peeked through my blinds and perched on my skin causing it to boil.

"Damn it!" I yelled as I woke up and rolled of the bed.

I rubbed the back of my head as my eyes adjusted to the environment then I got back up.

"Marc! Dave is here!" I heard my grandma yell.

I shook my head as I wondered what Dave was doing here then yelled back,

"Send him up!"

I watched as Dave stomped up my stairs and once he saw me he asked,

"Are you sure you weren't having a dream or something?" Then entered my room.

"What do you mean?" I asked as a confused look came upon my face.

Dave threw his bag down on my bed then began to rummage through it. After about two seconds Dave pulled out Micheal's heart out of his bag.

"I still have his heart." Dave said gripping the heart in his hand.

"So?" I questioned.

"How can he be alive if I still have his heart?" Dave asked back.

"You really know nothing about magic do you?" I smirked.

"Well I don't have a little old witch for a grandma like you Marc." Dave replied with an aggressive tone of voice.

"The figure used magic to bring him back he doesn't need his heart until the magic can't help him anymore." I explained.

"Well we need to find him and beat his ass so he dies and burns in hell." Dave clenched his fists and growled.

"Relax, why are you so tense?" I asked.

"If he talks to Maddie it's over." I replied coming closer to me.

"Anything he tells Maddie she won't believe." I replied.

"You better be right." Dave said and went back over to his bag and placed the heart in there.

He threw his bag back over his shoulder then walked out of my room while saying,

"Hurry and get to school before something happens." Then he left.

"Hurry and get to school before something happens." I mocked.

Dave came back to my room door and growled before leaving again. I rolled my eyes then took began looking for clothes to wear to school today.

"Why aren't you afraid of him?" I heard Aldon's voice ask.

I closed my closet door to make Aldon visible where I saw him sitting on my window frame.

"I really need to get a grill for my window." I said.

"Don't dodge my question." Aldon came in my room and said.

I continued to look for clothes in my closet then asked,

"What do I have to fear?" As I pulled out my white hoodie.

"He can kill you in seconds!" Aldon exclaimed.

"I'd like to see him try." I smirked.

"Ok." Aldon replied then I heard the wind bluster in my room.

"Aldon, Aldon, Aldon!" I yelled as I turned and my eyes surveyed the area, "What did I just do?" I asked myself.

I quickly got ready then dashed to school hoping Aldon wouldn't have said anything. There was Aldon, Dave and Brandon standing outside the school door waiting for it to open.

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