Chapter 20 - King Drax

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Kendall's P.O.V.

My skin began boiling as I slowly began to wake up. I battered my eyelids together 3 times before realizing it was the sun. I rolled of the bed instantly in shock and fell to the ground.

"Kendall! Are you ok?" Maddie asked as she woke up from hearing the sound of me falling to the ground.

"Note to self always go to sleep with the sun ring on or just get some curtains." I said to myself as I sat up and began rubbing the back of my head, "I'm fine by the way." I said to Maddie.

She got of her bed and helped me of the ground.

"Thank....." I began thanking while dusting off my clothes but was interrupted by a knock on the front door.

Maddie and I turned our heads simultaneously at the bedroom door then back at each other. We then walked out of the room and to the front door.

"Who is it?" Maddie yelled.

There was no reply. Maddie and I exchanged a look of confusion and then she opened the door slightly. Once again there was nobody there but then suddenly,

"Good Morning girls sleep well?" Principal Drax came out of nowhere, stood infront of our door frame and asked.

Maddie and I flinched in fear then Principal Drax invited himself in.

"I will take that as a yes." He said as he entered.

Maddie and I exchanged a look of confusion once again.

"Not to be rude sir but.....what are you doing here?" I asked looking back at Principal Drax.

"Oh that's right," Principal Drax began saying as his eyes stopped surveying our room, "I need to speak to you Kendall. Meet me in my office in five minutes. It's in the building with the classrooms. Don't be late." He ended then walked passed us and left.

Maddie closed the door behind him then asked,

"What did you do Kendall?"

"I didn't do anythin...." I began saying then instantly remembered about Maria.

I dashed passed Maddie and went back into the room.

"Kendall! You better confess!" Maddie yelled as her voice came closer.

I rummaged through my drawers and took out the case of Daemonia. I opened it only to find an empty case with no souls in it.

"Her soul is gone." I said to myself.

"Kendall!" Maddie yelled as her voice came even closer.

I threw the case back into the top drawer and closed it.

"I didn't do anything." I said confidently as Maddie entered the room.

"Hmmm. Well you better hurry. He said not to be late." Maddie ended.

I used my super speed to get dreesed as soon as possible. In less than a minute, I bathed, did my hair and got ready. Wearing a black sleeveless shirt, white jeans and my black ankle high boots. I did my hair in a ponytail then prepared to leave for the principal's office. Maddie walked me to the front door.

"I'll be right back." I said as I opened the door.

"Ok and Kendall," Maddie began saying causing me to stop in my tracks, "I know you did something you can't lie to me. I just hope it wasn't too bad." Maddie ended.

My back remained turn to Maddie and I smirked to myself.

"I told you I did nothing." I ended then left the room closing the door behind me.

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