Chapter 6 - Vampires Vs Werewolves

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Aldon's P.O.V.

Nia Brandon And I jumped out of hiding and held our water guns out. However, there was no vampires to be seen.

"This just like the last time," Brandon said the facepalmed himself

"Should I even ask?" I asked

"It's best you don't," Nia replied

Suddenly the ground began to shake a little and we heard loud footsteps dashing down the street. These were'nt just ordinary footsteps, these footsteps sounded like those of a monster. Not long after a pack of wolves with 6 members jumped right into the middle of the party. This is when the vanpire crew made themselves visible. All the innocent bystanders began to run and scatter all over the place while we jumped in to a nearby bush to hide.

"Is this part of the plan?" I asked

"No but lets just go with it," Brandon answered

The vampires and werewolves faced each other and then one of the werewolves released a loud howl and the Vampires and Werewolves went after each other. The werewolves however, were out number because the Vampire Crew had 10 members so it was 10 to 6.

"Should we help?" I asked

"Heck yeah we should help," Brandon replied

We jumped out of the bushes and dove into the action.

Marc's P.O.V.

"Why is this so hard?" I asked myself while pacing back and forth across my room, "Kendall's gonna turn into a vampire and its gonna be fine right Marc..........It's gonna be terrible!" I yelled while slamming my fists down on my desk

Light bounced off of Kendall's necklace Brad gave her so I ripped it off in anger and threw it out the window.

"It's all his fault and he will pay," I said

Dave's P.O.V.

"What have I done? Maddie wake up, WAKE UP!" I yelled while viciously shaking Maddie

Maddie didn't move she just lay there.

"I need to get to Marc," I said

I turned back into a wolf and held Maddie by her shirt in my mouth which made me carry her then I ran to Marc's house.

Aldon's P.O.V.

We were winning but not by much. A vampire dived after me and pushed me to the ground.

"Are you know here?" He asked

"Take I wild guess," I replied

I kicked him right off me and into a column. Right as I got up a wooden stake flew right over my head and stabbed the vampire that was right about to attack me from behind.

"You need to be more agile," Brandon said

A vampire jump right on top of Brandon and he lost balance and fell down. I was about to help him but two vampires grabbed me from behind and threw me into Brad's house and pinned me to the ground.

"Nia a little help!" I yelled

"I kinda got problems of my own now," Nia replied

Suddenly we were losing and the vampire's were winning. We lost 2 werewolves and only one of the vampire crew members died.

"Marc, come in Marc! We need your hel....." Brandon began saying into his ear piece but then it was smacked out of his ear by a vampire

Marc's P.O.V

"Brandon! Hello!" I yelled back but there was no answer

I got up from around my desk and suddenly someone burst into my room.

"Marc! We have a problem!" Dave exclaimed while turning into his human self

He looked down at Kendall while I looked down at Maddie. Then we both asked,

"What happened?"

"Ok you go first," Dave said while resting Maddie on the bed beside Kendall

"Kendall got bit by Brad and I brought her here to help her, but nothing is working," I explained

"Well that's better than what happened with me and Maddie. She kept on talking about Micheal and you know it's a full moon so I kinda lost my tempor and......." Dave began explaining

"You bit her!" I yelled

"Shhhhh!" Dave yelled back, "I did'nt bite her I just tasted her skin," Dave replied while rubbing the back of his head

I facepalmed myself.

"What are we going to tell the others now?" I asked

"We have to come clean," Dave replied

"You're kidding me right?" I asked

"No Marc i'm serious," Dave replied

"Do you know what Brandon's gonna do when he finds out that i'm a Vampire and you're Werewolf ?" I asked agressively

"Calm your tits sir, he accepted Aldon i'm sure he'll accept us," Dave replied

I started pacing back and forth across my room again. Then I thought to myself that we're dead.

Aldon's P.O.V.

Brandon managed to get loose then he shot the vampire with holy water then stabbed it with a stake. Then he threw a stake at me, I caught it and then stabbed one of the vampires that were attacking me. Then I kicked the other one into Brad's tv then threw the stake at her heart killing her.

"Four down, six left," I said

"AHHHHHHH!" One of the vampire crew members yelled in pain as it was being devoured by a werewolf

"Ok make that 5," I said with a disgusted look on my face

"Come on guys we can do this!" Brandon yelled

One after the other the vampire crew members died and then we were victorious. Suddenly the celebrating soon turned to terror. The werewolves that were left cornered us and were looked straight at us.

"Umm.......Brandon," Nia said nervously

They came closer and closer eventually evading personal space. Then the wereeolf at the front let out a deep exhale right in Brandon's face.

"Damn dawg do you brush your teeth?" Brandon asked while fanning his nose

The werewolf stopped and tried to smell his breath. Even he was appaulled by the stench and made a disgusted face. The wolves let out a few grunts and moans before eventually running off to their own buisness. Thats when the rest of the innocent bystanders came out of their hiding places and applauded us.

"This is what being popular feels like!" Brandon yelled and waved to the people like he was a king

Nia and I chuckled and then joined him.

"Now let's go see what those two ditchers were doing so a can whop their asses," Brandon said then started walking to the car and we followed behind

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