Chapter 5 - Maddie And Kendall's Bite

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Kendall paused and then turned her head to look at me.

"Marc?" Kendall asked confused

This gave Brad the perfect time to strike. He look staraight at Kendall's neck and then sunk he's vampire teeth into it. As Brad took his teeth out of Kendall's neck, pure red blood dripped from them both. Kendall's eyes and mouth widened and she looked paralized. Then she began to fall from the tree. I quickly caught her in my hands and then lay her on the ground.

"Kendall! Kendall! KENDALL!" I yelled but there was no response, How, how, how could you do this?" I asked Brad as I struggled to hold back my tears

"What can I say.......I like the pretty blood," Brad smirked

"Freak! Aldon now!" I yelled

Aldon flew out of the bushes and went fist first after Brad punching him right out of the tree and down to the ground. Brad then kicked Aldon with both feet and he flew against the tree. Brad got up off the ground.

"That was your plan? Bring a back up Vampire?" Brad asked

"Trust me you have'nt seen anything yet," I replied

Aldon dashed up to Brad so Brad quickly dodged then Aldon attempted to do it again. This time Brad grabbed Aldon by the neck then kicked him right in the face. Aldon fell the the ground holding his now scarred face.

"You're weak!" Brad yelled

I ran up behind Brad and kicked him in the back.

"Dave you ready?" I asked while holding my ear piece

"Yes.....hurry!" Dave yelled

Brad got back up.

"You're weak too," Brad Looked at me and said

I ran quickly, grabbed Brad and through him through a window that lead into the Warehouse.

"Marc what the......" Brad began yelling

Dave's P.O.V.

I hid in the shadows of the warehouse starring at Brad.

"Hello Brad," I came out of the shadows and said

"Ugh another one," Brad said

"No, No," I said then chuckled, "I'm different," I smirked

"Well you're just as weak as the rest of them so give me your best shot!" Brad yelled

"Brad you know what happens on full moons?" I asked while moving a little closer

"No what?" Brad asked

I transformed into my werewolf form then yelled,

"The wolves are out!"

I dived after Brad with all negitive intentions.

"Let me out!" Brad cried

Marc's P.O.V.

I laughed and went back over to Aldon.

"I'm going to take Kendall to my house and see what I can do to help her," I said

"Ok," Aldon replied

"Make sure Brandon is aware," I said while taking up Kendall

Aldon dashed back over to the party while I ran home. When I reached my house I quickly ran upstairs and went into my room. I placed Kendall on my bed then took up my computer.

"There must be some vampire ritual I can do to help her," I said to myself

Aldon's P.O.V.

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