Chapter 9 - The Witching Hour

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Kendall's P.O.V.

Maddie and I spent the rest of the day together but lost track of time. I ended up arriving at my house at midnight.

"Mom i'm home!" I yelled as I entered my house.

My voice pierced the deafening silence and I instantly knew everyone was asleep. I came in quietly and closed the door behind me. I crept up the stairs as quiet as a mouse and went up to my room. I fell down back first on my bed.

"I can't believe i'm a vampire." I sighed placing my hand to my forehead.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I reluctantly took it out. There was a text from Brad "hey babe❤." I clenched my fist that my phone wasn't in and struggled to hold back the flood of tears that threatened.

In Frustration, I threw my phone to the wall even though I knew I would instantly regret it. I let out an agonizing scream before forcing my way up on my bed. I looked left then right then got up and I walked downstairs to my basement looking for anything I could end my life with.

"There most be something?" I questioned while rummaging through the many boxes my family had downstairs.

I glanced over to the dark corner of the basement and one box out of all the others caught my eye. The words do not disturb were slapped across the black and red box and I just had to know what it was. I approaced the corner and reached for the box ready to take it up but as I touched it I saw something. Seemed like I began gasping for air as I saw myself fighting with Marc, fighting Brad and Michael and even fighting Maddie. I stopped gasping for air as I came back to reality.

"What the heck?" I said under my breath.

I shook my head trying to forget what I just saw then took up the box but lost my grip and it came tumbling down from my hands. Out rolled a series of stuff that didn't look like my mom got these at the dollar store. I took up a book that caught my eye marked Plures in bold. I reached for the book but once my hand came in the range of the book, I began gasping for air again and had another vision but it was different this time. I was fighting a female figure - someone ive never seen before. She launched me into a building but then I came back to reality and stopped gasping for air. I held on to the temple of my head as I wondered why I was having these visions. I took up the book quickly and opened it.

"A-A-Alio" I read.

I suddenly ended up on top of my mother in her bedroom. Hesitantly I rolled of onto the ground worrying my mother would wake up.

"Kendall!" My mother yelled while getting up on the bed and her eyes adjusted to the environment.

I pushed the book under the bed and quickly sprung to my feet.

"Nothing mom." I replied hesitantly.

"Go back to bed sweetheart." My mother mumbled before going back to bed.

I let out a sigh of relief before reaching for the book under the bed. I pulled it out and dashed back into my room and closed the door silently behind me.

"What in the world." Were the only words that could exit my mouth.

I opened the book once again then said,

"Is this like some kind of magic spell book?" While flipping through the pages, "Hmmm," I smirked.

I looked over at my cracked phone then began casting,

"Phone Fugere Manu...."

"Kendall!" My mother interrupted bursting into my room.

The book went soaring through the air as I released it in fear. I quickly dashed and caught it before it fell.

"Kendall what the hell is going on!" My mother yelled agressively.

"I can explain," I began saying taking a deep breath in, "My boyfriend Brad was a vampire and he bit me and I turned into a vampire and it turns out Marc was a vampire too and Dave was a werewolf and he bit Maddie so she became a werewolf and I was looking for something to kill myself with because I can't live like this but then I found this book and the box and I found out it was some magic thing and here I am now." I explained to my mother quickly - so quickly she couldn't comprehend while I paced back and forth across my room then sat on the bed.

"Kendall english please." My mother said taking a seat on the bed beside me.

I sighed before confessing,

"I"m a v-v-vampire."

"I knew this day was going to come I was just hoping it wasn't true." My mom sighed.

"What do you mean?" I asked looking at her.

"Kendall.....when I was giving birth to you, I had several visions. Visions about your future and the many things that would happen to you and this was one of them," My mom began explaining.

My eyes widened as I remembered all the visions I had a not too long ago.

"And I had all these visions because.....i'm a witch." My mother said under her breath making it only slightly audible.

I sprung up from the bed and began pacing back and forth across my room again.

"What else did you see?" I asked curiously.

"You'll have to wait and see but you have a magical future ahead of you." My mom replied.

"Mom i've been having these....visions as well." I confessed.

"You're Ready." My mom muttered.

"Mom what are you talikng about?" I stopped pacing and said. Staring her dead in the eyes.

"Don't worry Kendall but this book is mine," My mom said forcing the book out of my hands, "And there's one more thing. Your father, he, he, he..." My mom began saying.

"What is it mom?" I asked as my heart began to beat a mile a minute while hearing all of this.

"He's not dead." My mom confessed.

"What!" I yelled making my voice give life to the dead night.

"He left, after he found out about the whole magic thing." Mom said.

I ran my hand through my hair trying to comprehend everything I was hearing. Tears of anxiety began running down my face one after the other.

"Mom are you serious with all the stuff you're telling me?" I asked with an audibly tense tone of voice.

"Im 100% serious Kendall and you know what that means, you're a vampire-witch hybrid." My mother replied.

"Why me lord why me?" I asked out loud.

"You have a lot to learn Kendall." My mom said.

"I don't want to lear mom!" I yelled slamming my fists down on my desk.

"Kendall you...." My mother began saying.

"No mom just get out." I interrupted.

"But Kendall....." My mom started saying again.

"No! Get out!" I interrupted again making my voice louder and swinging my fists down.

A red energy like wave began to form all around my room. My mom smirked before leaving my room. I opened my fists causing the red colour thing to vanish. I then jumped into my bed as tears ran down my face like a stream.

"Why did this have to happen to me?" I cried, "How am I going to explain this to everyone and where is my father?" I questioned as I sat up on my bed and wiped away the tears from my eyes that got lost in the moon.

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