Chapter 4 - Midnight Party (Full Moon)

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Brandon, Dave And Nia All Arrived At My House At Approximately 5:30. We needed enough time to plan, pack and prepare.

"Ok Marc so how are you so sure that Brad is a bloodsucking demon?" Brandon asked

"Trust me.....I know," I glanced at Dave and said

"Well you better be rìght I don't want to embarass myself again," Brandon said

"Again?" I asked confused

"Lets just not talk about," Nia said nervously

"Ok what are we going to need?" Dave asked

"Well everything a Vampire is weak to: Wooden stakes, Holy Water, Garlic, you know all those stuff," Brandon ended

"Ok next question......where are we going to get all those stuff?" Dave asked

"Leave that to me," Brandon smirked

Brandon took up his phone and dialed a number. Nia seemed to have known who he was calling but Dave and I were completely clueless.

"Ok listen up, I want some wooden stakes, holy water, LED lights, Garlic And throw in a few water guns too. You got that..........aiite see you later," Brandon order then hung up the phone

Dave and I were shocked, Brandon is never like this.

"Brandon.......what was that about?" I asked

"Its how you get what you want in these parts, ya know?" Brandon replied

"No," Dave said

Suddenly there was a knock on the window and when we look a boy whose jet black hair covered part of his grey eyes was standing in the tree outside my room window.

"What the heck!" I yelled

"Oh he's here," Brandon said then went to open the window

"Here are the supplies," The male said and handed Brandon everything he ordered

"Thanks," Brandon thanked

"Umm Brandon......You mind explaining why there is a teenage boy standing in my tree?" I asked

"Oh silly me, guys this is Aldon and Aldon this is Marc and Dave and you already know Nia," Brandon introduced

"Hey dudes," He said then invited himself into my room

He took a seat on my bean bag and seemed to get comfy.

"Umm.....Why did you......" I began saying

"So what are you guys doing with all this stuff anyway?" Aldon asked

"Well that's none of your......" I began saying but was interrupted again

"Well we're trying to catch this boy from school we think is a vampire," Brandon Answered

"Oh my god!" I cried while falling straight on my back on my bed

"So you're not sure if he's a vampire?" Aldon asked

"Nope," Brandon replied

"Do you have a picture?" Aldon asked

"Yes I took a selfie with him, Kendall and Maddie the other day. Let me show you," Nia replied

Nia proceeded to take out her phone and show Aldon The picture.

"Where is he?" Aldon asked

"What do you mean?" Nia asked back while looking at her phone

"Yup definitely a vampire. I wanna help," Aldon stood up and said

"Umm no that won't be necessary," I replied

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