Chapter 10 - Resurrection

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Marc's P.O.V.

"Marc help! HELP ME!" Kendall yelled.

I sprung up on my bed gasping for air as my heart was beating a mile a minute. I surveyed my bedroom as my eyes adjusted to the environment. There was noone there. I rubbed the back of my head before mumbling,


I crashed back down on my bed and my hand played on my bed searching for my phone. I took it up and was blinded by the light as I pressed the home button. With eyes half shut I read,

"1:30 a.m."

I sighed then got up for a glass of water. The lightning in the sky gave life to the dead night. Probably a little too much life. As the water ran down my throat like a stream, I glanced over to my front door and at the strike of lightning there was a female silhouette in the nearby window who vanished as the lightning did. I battered my eyes together thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me and I still didn't see the figure again.

I went back upstairs and went back in bed. I grabbed my phone placing it right infront of my face. Reading all the text messages I forgot to answer. However, as I placed the phone down, there was the figure again hiding in the dark corner of my room. My eyes widened in fear but at the strike of lightning she vanished.

I sprung out of bed and went over to my window where I saw the female figure walking down the street.

"Hey!" I yelled causing her head to turn in my direction.

Her head turned back and she immediately dashed down the street. Curiousity got the better of me and I grabbed my red hoodie that was closest to me and jumped out the window as I began to fly. I followed closely on her trail for about 2 minutes. She was surprisingly fast but then she vanished and was nowhere to be seen. I landed on the ground and kicked a stone aggressively.

"I almost had....." I began to mutter.

I was interrupted by a portal that opened only a few feet infront of me. I dashed over to a group of trees to take cover. Out came Brad and the portal he came from seemed to be a portal to the Triton dimension. The place where all mythical and supernatural creatures lived but Brad left that place years ago.

"What was he doing in there?" I asked myself.

I went to the top of the tree I was hiding behind and moved the few leaves that blocked my view. Soon I realized that I was across from Maddie's house. All lights turned off making it obvious everyone was asleep.

I turned my attention back to Brad who closed the portal them walked over to a bush beside Maddie's house - the same bush Michael's body was in.

"Oh know." I cried under my breath.

I watched as Brad rummaged through the bush before pulling out Michael's body. Another portal opened and out came the same female figure from earlier but this time she was slightly more visible. Her pale skin and jet black hair were the only things I could see from where I was but she had the same hourglass body as the figure making it easy to identify her.

The two spoke for a while before purple aura began to circle around her hands before pointing them in Michael's direction. I flew over to the roof of Maddie's house to get a better view. The purple aura went in and out of Michael's body and in less than 10 seconds Michael's eyes began to open slowly.

"W-W-What happened?" Micheal questioned.

I gasped as my eyes widened in shock.

"I'll tell you all about it." Brad replied helping Michael up.

"Brad? What's going...." Michael began saying but then the female figure placed her finger at his mouth.

"Come with me Michael." She said then opened a portal to the Triton dimension pulling his hand to come into it.

The three of them walked into the portal and once it closed I stopped peeking.

"What the heck just happened!" I exclaimed, "And who is that witch girl? I need to go to Dave right now." I said then got ready to take off.

As I flew off Maddie's roof Brad appeared infront of me and swang his fist punching me right in the face. I flew down from the air and crashed into the ground.

"You're not going anywhere." Brad said as he slowly descended from the sky.

"Watch me." I replied while pishing my upper body of the ground.

Faster than Brad could blink, I got up from the ground and dashed to Dave's house but as I reached there was Brad at his front door.

"You gotta be faster than that." Brad smirked.

Brad made his vampire teeth visible the charge after me kicking me a few feet away. I made my teeth visible as he charge after me again. As he came in my range, I made an attempt to punch him but he blocked then puched me and then kicked me in the chest. I flew into a tree. Brad chuckled as he came over to me slowly.

"Marc, you're still week and you'll never be able to beat me." He said and the reached infront of me.

My eyes turned blood red in anger and I began to breathe heavily. Then I replied,

"Try me bitch!" In a demon voice.

I used both my legs to kick Brad away from me then dashed over to him and swang my foot kicking him straight in the neck. As he crashed into the ground, I stepped on his head and began squashing it between the ground and my foot. Brad swang his foot up kicking me of him and I flew over and rolled springing back up to my feet. I began to walk back over to Brad but then he said,

"Till next time." The he dispersed.

A look of confusion came upon my face as my eyes and breathing went back to normal. I glanced back over at Dave's house as I remembered what I came here for. I flew over to Dave's bedroom window and knocked rapidly on it. Soon after he came over to the window and opened it.

"Marc what are you doing....." Dave began asking with eyes half shut.

"Michael is back!" I interrupted.

"What are you talking about?" Dave asked.

I invited myself in and closed the window behind me so I couldn't be heard or spied on. I told Dave everything what just happened then he asked,

"Why didn't you stop it?" Aggresively.

"I didn't know what to do. And that figure she was some kind of witch I don't know if I would be able to take all three of them at once." I replied.

"Well we need to stop them and before Maddie finds out." Dave said.

"Before Maddie finds out what?" Aldon asked emerging from the shadows.

We turned to him preparing for a fight before realizing who it was.

"Aldon! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I made him sleep here for the night." Dave replied.

I facepalmed myself.

"Don't worry about it you'll know eventually." Dave replied.

"But who is this Michael dud...." Aldon began asking but stopped once Dave began to growl.

Aldon sat on the bed and folded his arms.

"We need to talk to everyone else tomorrow." I said.

"Yes, but let's try not to bring up the whole Michael thing." Dave mumbled

I nodded then left Dave's house.

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