Chapter 4

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| Third person view |

Akise and Yuki were running to catch the bus just as they saw it coming around the corner. Luckily they caught it with only a few seconds to spare. As they got on they payed the bus driver then found their seats. The bus was full with only one seat, so Akise offered it to Yuki. He thought that was fair since the other was taking him on the date. Yuki looked a little mad but then sat down.

Yuki was breathing very heavy because of how fast they were running. It appeared like an asmatic attack so Akise grabbed his inhaler out of his bag and gave it to Yuki as he told him how to use it. Yuki took a breathe into it witch luckily helped with his breathing.

Luckily Akise knew about all these things and always carried things like first-aid and inhalers. Yuki felt a little embarrassed about all this happing on a full bus, but Akise didn't care. As long as Yuki is safe.

After about a 20 minute bus ride the two had made it right in ground of The Crime Museum of Sakurami City. Akise ran in the doors like a little kid in a candy store while Yuki just walked in. Akise was pointing at places to go, or things to see in there as Yuki just agreed and went along with it.

It was 15:34 (3:34 pm) when they had left the building and went to the park for a surprise picnic. Yuki just grabbed food out of his big bag he had taken with him. It consisted of things like sandwiches, fruit, salads.

Yuki layed down the blanket then placed all the food down on top of it. He then grabbed back out the rose from before and gave it to Akise. They both snacked and talked for a good hour while they were at the park. They both layed down and looked at the clouds while comparing them to clouds they've seen before.

Akise looked over at Yuki and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Yuki blushed as he kissed Akise back. They had decided it was time to go home so Yuki packed up as Akise went to the washroom. When he retired everything was back in Yuki's bag. Is that a magic bag or something?, Akise asked while looking at how much the bag could hold.

Haha, maybe so, Yuki replied.

They started waking back to the bus stop. Luckily this time on the bus it wasn't packed at all so they could both get a seat next to each other. Akise leaned his head on the other as Yuki just looked out the window at all the trees.

After 15 or so minutes they got of the bus wich had been right in the town close to Akise's house. They then continued their date in the town. They bought coffee, went to the candy store, and had a few laughs.

At this time it was 18:04 (6:04) when they had made it to Yuki's front door. Okay I'm just warning you, my mom is a bit nuts okay, Yuki said to Akise. I'm sure she's fine, Akise insisted. Alright, Yuki said as he opened the door with his key. Rea was in the kitchen making dinner. You two want dinner? Rea aksed. Um sure mom... if it's okay with Akise, Yuki replied. Anytime, Akise said back.

Oh so this is the Akise you have been telling me about, Rea teased. Yuki blushed as he sat himself and his boyfriend down at the dinner table. So you planning on moving in with him? Rea asked to his son. Yes he will be, Akise replied. Okay that's fine, just take care of my Yuki okay? Rea insisted. I wouldn't let even a fly touch him, Akise replied.

Rea placed dinner down and finally introduced her self to Akise. Akise did the same as he said "thanks for the dinner". Rea had mad an array of garlic bread, pasta, and for a drink, smoothies. Akise took a bite of the food and his eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. Oh my goodness! This is exquisite! Akise said to Rea. Oh it's just something I whipped up, Rea replied. Yeah it's really good mom!, Yuki said.

Well after you two finish Yuki should really grab all his stuff for moving in with Akise! Rea said sounding excited. Yeah I guess so, Akise said.

They had finished dinner and were packing up Yuki's clothing, pillows, phone, books, and posters. Akise and Yuki were grabbing things and putting them into as many giant bags as they could. Hey mom could you drive us to Akise's house after this!! Yuki yelled down to his mom. Of course!! Rea yelled back. Thank god, I thought we were walking back for a while second, Yuki said to Akise. Yeah that would suck Akise replied.

After they had gotten all of Yuki's stuff they packed it into Rea's car and started driving over there as Akise told her the directions.
Wow what a nice house! Rea said while pulling into the drive way. So where's your parents? Rea asked. Oh, their at work. I don't really see them, Akise said back to Rea. Oh, okay well have fun! Rea said. Don't forget about what I have you, Rea said to Yuki as she winked in the dashboard mirror. Thanks for the ride mom! Yuki said while entering his new home. Yeah thanks! Akise said as waving to Rea.


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