Chapter 17

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(Akise POV)

It's been a few days since I got that random note, and it's been bothering me, to say the least. Everyday I fear something will happen to yuki. I just can't figure out who this person is.

Normally I would think it's a prank, but I feel this is real. Someone wants to harm me or Yuki.

Everyday I feel like I'm being watched. Weather it's at home, or school, or the village, I just feel watched.

(Yuki POV)

Akise had been acting diffrent ever since Monday at school. He said everything was fine, but he seems to be overly cautious.

I think someone said something to him, but I guess he's just a mysterious guy.


(Akise POV)

I just woke up to the sound of shattering. It sounded like someone broke the window or something, so I rushed downstairs.

I creepy down the stairs, and peeked around the corner. I saw no one but a note.

I walked towards the note, trying not to step in glass, and read it.

" Its already been 4 days. You still haven't broken up with him, or figured out who I am. Some kind of a detective you are. You have 48 hours or I'll blow this place.

             Xoxo - Q "


I was at a loss of words to this note.

How did this person know about me being a detective? I am only known by my name as a detective, to Yuki, Deus, and the Police.

All of a sudden Yuki came running down.

"A-Akise! Are you okay?!" He asked me.

He grabbed the note out of my hand before I could reply.

His eyes slowly got bigger and bigger, as he continued reading he note.

"Im....fine" I reply.

"Who is Q? And what the hell does this guy want with you?" Yuki asked.

"Well, that's what I'm trying to figure out. And she... she wants me to.... break up with you"
I gulped before finally spitting out the truth.

"She?! Was their another note?!" Yuki was almost screaming at me.

"Ah, yes actually"

"It's been bothering me for the last few days, but you can tell so theirs so point in lying" I had to say it. Now he knows.

"What did the other note say?"

Crap! I shouldn't have told him about the other note. Of course he's  going to ask what was on it!

I can't tell him. I can't let him know he's in danger.

"Well ah... I thought it was a prank but it just told me to break up with you. That's all" he's so onto me. I can see it in his eyes, he knows I'm lying.

"That's all? Okay then"

Yuki went back up stairs to take a shower.


I was having too many thoughts. I needed to go out or something.


An hour later I left for the park. I took my note book and a pen. I was going to figure out who this person is, if it's the last thing I do!


"Well then. Let's review the clues" I said to my self before opening my notebook.

Clue #1 -        * first note*

" I don't like that boyfriend of yours. You could use someone better like me. Break up with him or I'll break him, got it? And don't think I'm kidding because you know who I am and what I do. - Qi"

I received this note when I returned from a washroom break, during class. Meaning, the culprit is most likely someone in my third period class. Of course someone could have entered the class during that time, but that's besides the point.

Tommrow I will ask if anyone saw somebody put a note In my desk.

Clue #2 -       * Second Note *

" Its already been 4 days. You still haven't broken up with him, or figured out who I am. Some kind of a detective you are. You have 48 hours or I'll blow this place.

             Xoxo - Q "

Their are multiple clues within this one clue.

"Some kind of a detective you are" - our first clue. This person knows about this, meaning they are associated with the police.

"Or I'll blow this place" - this could be a threat, but most likely a true fact. In the last note they said "break up with him, or I'll break him" meaning that this person is strong enough for both.

"You know who I am, and what I do" - this further proves my point that the culprit is in my class. I can't think of anyone that does any sort of fighting in my class.


I closed my notebook and thought about culprits while I sipped on an ice tea, and rubbed my chin, like in funny mystery shows.

Ah! I figured it out!

| Hehe sorry about that cliff hanger. Also, sorry that my writing has been changing recently.
It just naturally is. Who do you think be culprit it? Make sure to tell me in the comments.
- Kookie💜 |

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