Chapter 22

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(Third POV)

He tried to run away, like a chicken attempting to live in a slaughtering. His legs weak, and bending every time he steps.

"Why?!" he asks

The slow footsteps of the killer, become louder and harder.

"Looks like I've backed you into a corner"

He looks behind him to see that there is no where else to run.

A gulp of spit goes down his throat as he, Yukiteru Amano, accepts the fate of which he must.


Death. The ultimate punishment


The killer swings his sword until it-

"Yukiteru wake up"

(Akise POV)


Yuki's heart rate went up so high that I had to tell the doctors.

I wonder what kind of dream he's having. I should probably wake him up before he has a heart attack!

"Yukiteru wake up"

His eyes opened up very quickly , tears forming.

"A..kise..?" Yuki said with confusion.

"Uh yeah? I'm right here" I replied.

The doctors around me, then moved rapidly to ask him if he was okay.

"Amano, are you alright?!"

"You were on the verge of having a heart attack!"

The doctors exclaimed.

They then scowled at me, as if I did something wrong.

"Can you please exit the room for a little bit. We'll tell you when you can come back in."

The doctor asked.

Seriously? They actually think I did this?!

I stepped outside, trying to avoid trouble.

(Yuki POV)

"Can you please exit the room for a little bit. We'll tell you when you can come back in."

They asked Akise.

"Wait he didn't-" I said under my breath.

"Amano, what happened?"

"Well I was having a bad dream"

"What was the dream about"


Why am I being questioned like this? Why are they so concerned?

"It was a dream about a killer. I was being hunted down to be killed. And the killer was... him"

I replied.

"The killer was the person we just sent out?"

Well yeah. There's so point in lying.

I really hope this doesn't start anything

The doctors faces looked horrified, but also relived.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think your friend may be a serial killer"

(Akise POV)

I leaned against the door to hear what was being said.

"I think your friend may be a serial killer"

wait wait wait




"What the fuck?!" I whispered to my self.

(Yuki POV)

"Where did that come from!"

My heart rate went up agian.

I mean. Akise? A killer? No way no way no way!

"We will have to take him away for your own safety. He'll get tested in court, then if he's not guilty, he can come back"

"Where in the hell did you get this information from? What makes you think that Aru Akise is a killer?!!!"

"That is information to be discussed among me, and him"

The doctor replied.

I can't-


They can't take him away-





| Hey I actually wrote!! Look at me go!! Well here have some angst ahh. I randomly got inspired after 5 months since the last chapter haha! I really hope you like it! I have so many more ideas now so please stay tuned!

(Also check out my Instagram editing account @/Chixkii!! I make danagnronpa, Mirai Nikki, love live, ddlc, and more!!

- Kookie💕 |

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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