Chapter 7

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(Third person view)

Hey Akise, what are in all these cases of yours? , Yuki asked as he started to open one of the cases. Well in that one it's just a few notes, gloves, a UV light.. , Akise replied back.

Oh that reminds me! Would you like to help me with one of these cases today? Akise asked as he gathered his supplies. Umm.. like on Crime Shows? , Yuki asked. Yes! Exactly like that, Akise replied.

Well sure, what are we doing then, Yuki asked. Well first we are getting dressed but for the case we have this guy going around murdering people but the police are covering it up because he's some famous guy, Akise replied as he reaches in his closet and grabbed clothes for the day.

Wow the police really are useless, Yuki mumbled.

Once they were both dressed Akise grabbed his coat and supplies then headed out the door with his boyfriend following him, exited.

So are you gunna tazer this guy or something when you ca- Yuki was interrupted. - When we catch him, Akise said as he locked his hands with his boyfriends. Yuki blushed lightly.

Oh yeah by the way it's important to note that the body is ripped too shreds and there's blood everywhere, Akise said just as they approached the crime scene. W-WHAT YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME THAT A LITTLE EARLIER?!! Yuki exclaimed. I am a detective, you should have already thought of this MY sweet Yuki, Akise said in a calm voice.

W-WHY IS SHE MISSING AN ARM?! AND A LEG! AND CLOTHING!!! Yuki yelled. Shh I'm a detective, this is my job, Akise claimed trying to calm his boyfriend down.

Shoot! You know what I forgot, Akise said quietly. OH COME ON- I KNOW WHAT YOUR THINKING AND NO!, Yuki barked. Pleasee??? Akise asked making a pouty face. WHY WOULD I EVEN NEED TO WATCH THE BODY ANYWAY?! Yuki asked.

Well you see, her clothing is evidence, yuno over there is evidence, Akise said pointing to a trash can. YUNO? Yuki exclaimed. No silly, I ment the trash over there. I'm telling you, chances are a bunch of poisions or even her leg could be in there. Well actually that stuff is in that trash, Akise assured.

Okay first, rude but what were you saying about the evidence? Yuki asked.

Well if I was a killer I would want to destroy evidence, so why wouldent an actual killer? Trust me I've done a lot of cases like this, Akise said as he walked closer to the body to examine it.

So can you pleaseee watch over this area while I'm gone??, Akise asked in a sweet voice almost like a little kid begging for candy. Um let me think about that- UGHH NO! NOT A CHANCE! Yuki yelled. You have a phone right? And you have my number? Akise asked.

YES BUT WHAT IF I DIE?!! THEN I CANT CALL YOU AT ALL! Yuki shouted. You'll be fine. Thanks for being such an amazing boyfriend!! Akise said as he hopped into a car and drove back home.


Akise had already left the area so he couldn't hear Yuki. Just with his luck, he forgot one of his bags that had a UV light (for blood), finger print test, and a loaded hand gun.

Yuki heard leaves rumble but he just thought it was animals or bugs. It was the killer that had followed him and his boyfriend to the scene.

It just so happens that the killer went to the murder scene with intention of cleaning up the evidence, but along the way spotted the light haired detective and dark haired accomplice.

He decided to follow them with the intention of killing them. He had thought all this through and made a fake ID badge for this next moment.

Someone one appeared from the bushes wearing normal clothing.

And who do we have here? The middle age man asked. O-oh hello sir I'm Yukiteru Amano, Yuki said with panic in his voice. Can I see ID? The man asked as he pulled out his own ID. W-well you see, my f-friend is a detective s-SO he let me help him with this m-murder case, Yuki said shaking as he stepped back.

Well you seem pretty suspicious just hanging around a crime scene without any ID, now don't you, the man said with a grin on his face. L-look I can c-call him if you want, Yuki said as the man pulled a knife out of his jacket. A s-sir please calm down! Yuki exclaimed.

You might just be t- Akise grabbed the killers arm just as he was about to swing an attack at Yuki. Akise grabbed a gun out of his pocket and held it to his head.

One step and you'll end up like that body right there. No one hurts my Yuki, Akise said very seriously. The man started laughing as he turned around and stabbed Akise in the chest. AKISE!! Yuki shouted. Yuki started tearing up as he looked around for a wepon.

Luckily Akise was wearing an attack prof vest. He pulled out his phone and called the police to arrest the man. He then held the man by throat so he couldn't escape.

No one moved. Akise was focused, the man was thinking on how to escape this one, and Yuki was standing there traumatized. He thought that Akise was stabbed a second ago.

The police showed up and thanked Akise for his work as they halled the killer off.

Thank you, Akise said as he tears started forming. What did I do? Yuki asked. The killer was f-following us and I l-left you as bait. Akise bust out crying and fell to the ground. Umm Akise calm down it's fine, your a detective and that's what they do, right? Yuki assured.

You almost died, I almost died, and it's all my fault. Some detective I am, Akise said looking down. N-no Akise you are an amazing detective and without you the killer would have killed someone else, Yuki said as he kneeled down to kiss his boyfriend. You did it, you are the one who really did it! Akise cheered. Thank you! You saved someone's life! Akise said.

You were the one that told me to do this, Yuki argued. Yeah but your the one who agreed to it! Akise said back.

Okay what ever it was team work okay? Now will you stop crying and kiss me for my services, Yuki teased. Akise looked up and kissed his boyfriend.

So pizza? Or cake? Akise asked. You know what never mind that all I want is you, Akise said looking deeply in Yuki's eyes. Yuki blushed and looked away.

A few moments passed.

Well today was eventful, Yuki said, revering the day in his memories. I can make it more eventful if you want, Akise said just before he kissed his boyfriend again.


A turn for the better? (Akise x Yuki) Where stories live. Discover now