Chapter 13

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(Akise POV)

It was late morning. I was laying in bed. I looked over at the clock at saw it was 10:30. Damn I stayed up late, I thought. I got up and walked over to Yuki's room to see if he was there. Not in his bed.

I went downstairs to see if he was in the kitchen or living room. Not there either. Where could he have gone?

A lot of messed up shit has happened in the past, so I decided to call Yuki.

I dialed his number, no pick up.

That's when I walked over to the fridge and saw a note left saying "I went for early morning coffee, have a great day! - Yuki :)"
That's when all my concern went away. He was at the coffee shop with people that we know so nothing could really happen.

Anyway, I wanted to see my boyfriend and get a coffee anyway so I put on a shirt, and shoes, and left.

I was almost at the coffee shop when I saw two boys. A smaller one, and a bigger one. I ignored it and kept on walking.

I had taken out my phone to check the time and saw it was now about 11 am. I opened up my text messages to text Yuki, maybe he would respond now.

I heard a song come from someone's phone. I looked up and saw Yuki's bag and phone sitting on one of the tables outside.

That's weird, he doesn't usually leave his stuff lying around like this, I accidentally said out loud.

It was then when I heard a firmillar voice yell. It sounded like.... like.... Kyou Fujiwara, I said under my breath. That boy has been bullying my poor boyfriend for the past few months, and just judging by the fact that I heard him, and saw Yuki's stuff on that table, I knew something was wrong.

I ran around to the other side of coffee shop, only for my suspicion to come true. Fujiwara was kicking my boyfriend while he was laying, defenceless, on the ground.

Hey!! Stop that right now or I'll kill you!!

I grinded my teeth and yelled at the top of my
lungs for Fujiwara to stop. He stopped and slowly walked towards me, grabbing a pocket knife out of his bag.

He turned me around so then he was holding his rusty but sharp knife to my throat.

Go Yuki! Run!

I looked at Yuki and yelled at him to run.

He got up and started to run, but not away, towards Fujiwara and I.

Fujiwara brought his knife closer to me, leaving a small cut. It wasn't deep, kinda like a warning cut.

Any closer and he's dead!

Fujiwara yelled, making Yuki stop in his tracks.  Instead of coming closer Yuki yelled for help, hoping someone could hear him.

No one came.

No one heard.

No one cared.

The world is cruel. I'm only 15, and Yuki's only 14. He's not ready to die. Neither am I, but if its for him then I'm always ready to fight for his life.



Go get...

Help, leave me...


I some how sprurted out.

Yuki looked at me, then at Fujiwara who was smiling, and started crying.

That's when I got really mad and was ready to kill this bitch.

I quickly moved my hand up to grab the knife out of Fujiwaras hand and turned around to stab him.

I grabbed Yuki, and we ran. We ran to the front of the coffee shop.

I pulled out my phone and called the cops. Yuki tried to stop me but I still continued.

I told the cops about all the things he's done to me and my boyfriend. I hung up, and with in the next 5 minutes their were 2 cop cars, and an ambulance.

I told them where he was and they rushed behind the shop, treated his wound, and arrested him.

F-fuck you! And fuck Yuki!

He yelled out as they dragged him to the cop cars in front of the shop.

I told Yuki to ignore him as I pulled him close and kissed him. Tears were in both of our eyes, this life threatening bully is gone now. Both of us can have a Kyou Fujiwara-free life.

| Hehe! Well now that he's out of the way, theirs more time for sexy time😉😉😂. Thanks for all the positive comments as well as almost 500 reads! I never knew anyone would even like this. Also, I'm definitely going to do a Halloween special so get ready for that. And also remeber that in my story Akise already has his birthday. Sorry that the plot is so heavy lately, I just feel like writing that. Make sure to tell me what you think about the story so far in the comments, and show lov evy liking and recommending my story! Anyway thanks for reading! - Kookie

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