Chapter 6

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| Third person view |

The fact that Yuki was finally living with his long needed boyfriends after a few months of dating was amazing. Rea was okay with it, Akise was excited, and most of all Yuki was ready for this new life style.

So I guess we need to make way for all your stuff now? Akise teased as he looked around his packed room. Yeah I guess... if that's okay, Yuki mumbled. Well I don't need much of this anyway. Akise said as he put most of his room decor in a box to donate.

Akise started unpacking his boyfriends stuff as he helped as well. The fact that Yuki wasn't going to see his mom as much as he would like was a bit sad but other then that he was excited to live out this new life.

After they had unpacked most of the shorter boys stuff in a few hours, Akise had realized something. Hey! You know what's tommorow? Akise questioned knowing the answer. Umm the 22nd?? Yuki replied. Well yes, but it's also out 6 month anniversary!! Akise exclaimed. Oh wow thats right. Best 6 months of my life. Yuki said.

So what are we doing? Yuki asked. Well I was thinking we could go see the stars? Akise replied. Sounds... great! Yuki said while thinking of what happened the last time. Great so get dinner and go see the stars. Sounds like a plan, Akise said to him self.

I'm paying this time, okay? Yuki insisted. Oh yeah sure, Akise said being sarcastic. Yuki just rolled his eyes as he plopped on the bed and looked at how different his boyfriends room was now.

Like it? Akise asked.

Yeah if you like it, Yuki replied. I love it, buuuutt I love you more, Akise cooed. I love you too, Yuki said as he let out a small giggle.

Hey so I just thought of this game... it's like a how well do we know each other game, Yuki said. Okay so how does it work?, Akise asked. I'll ask a question about me like, "what's my favorite color" then you answer it. Then you ask that same question and you have to answer it, Yuki explained.


So then, what's my favourite colour? Yuki asked. Hmmm that would be light blue, Akise assured. Well you are.... correct! Yuki replied. So then what's my favourite colour? Akise asked continuing the game.

Well that's blue! Yuki said. Actually its -. Yuki inturuppted Akise before he could continue. I know it's purple, Yuki said. Haha your right, Akise said.

They had just played a little game to get all the pressure off of them for a while.

Sooo wunna have a movie night tonight? Like make popcorn, stay inside and watch a movie! Akise asked. Well I do live here now so I don't have much of a choice but yeah, Yuki said as he laughed a little to him self. What movie? Oh! I know... the fault in our stars! Akise suggested. Well what's the genre or what's it about? Yuki asked.

It's a sad romance movie apparently. Everyone's talking about it now so i just figured it's a good movie, Akise replied. I don't watch those kinds of movies but ya know what? That sounds good, Yuki said.

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A few hours had passed. Akise and Yuki were laying on the down stairs couch just talking about random dreams they had in the past.

So just a question, have you ever been in a relasionship before? Yuki asked as he rolled over to look at Akise. Well, actually your my first, Akise said as his cheeks turned a light pink colour. Yuki giggled as he played with his boyfriends hair.

Hey... um just i... know it happened a while ago but.... thanks for snapping me out of Yuno's spell, Yuki said quietly. Akise looked over at his lover and gave him a kiss on the forehead and smiled. Anytime, Akise replied.

So wunna watch that movie now? Yuki asked. Yeah I guess, I mean it is night now so why not? Akise replied.

They both walked down stairs and sat on the couch. Akise was scrolling through what he had recored till he found exactly what he was looking for. Just as the opening credits were rolling Akise went into the kitchen to make popcorn and bring back drinks.

Yuki was asking questions about the characters assuming that the other knew. Akise just kept on informing Yuki as he came back with drinks and popcorn.

The two adjusted so then Akise was laying down with his boyfriend laying stomach down on him. Akise thought it was really cute how his boyfriend was that much shorter then him.

A few laughs were made about Augustus not being a axe murderer before the movie really got sad.

Movies like this really make you grateful on how your heathy, huh? Akise asked. Oh and about healthy I should take you to the doctor about that astma attack-type thing you had. Ehhh I guess so, Yuki said just brushing it off.

The movie had just ended and both of them were silent. So how was it? Akise said as he held his tears back. Yuki simply just burst out crying, as he had been holding his tears in the whole movie. Akise's shirt was getting soaked but he was fine with it.

Akise is the type of person that holds tears and pain in so when something really triggers it, he lets it all out. This was one of those times. Akise burst out crying just as the other had so the they were both getting soaked by each other's tears.

They both been abused mentally and physically before so that also added onto why they were crying.

It was a solid 7 minutes when they had stopped balling their eyes out and could actually talk again. H-he didn't d-deserve it!! Yuki yelled. Akise brushed his hand through the others hair and tried to calm him. Shhhh it's okay, Akise said in a soothing voice.

The really sad part is that it's based off a true story, Akise said to him self. Yuki heard what the other had said and started crying agian. Akise just let it happen as he rested his head on the side of the couch and continued running his hand through Yuki's hair.

Although he was very touched by the movie and was still crying, He thought that his boyfriends chest was definitely the place to sleep, and wanted to sleep there every night.

Yuki looked with a red face from crying. He tried to catch his breath to get the next sentence out. C-can we sleep like this every night? Yuki asked. We can do what ever you like, Akise said, looking down on the other.

| SORRY THIS TOOK SO FUCKING LONG!! I'm working on future projects and thinking about writing a diffrent fanfic while still continuing this one. I also don't have a ton of time so sorry!!! Bye now!! |

A turn for the better? (Akise x Yuki) Where stories live. Discover now