Chapter 19

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(Akise POV)

After that little incident, we decided to just lay in bed and watch TV. I actually did end up crying, then so did Yuki.

We were watching some random Korean show that was on, but not really paying attention to it.

"I'm going to go to work tommrow" I said to Yuki. I mean like, if I want to confirm it's this girl, then I might as well go to work. She works on Mondays so it will be all good. Plus, I'll still have 24 hours to spare.

"And missing school?" Yuki questioned.

"She works on Mondays so I thought it would be a good idea" I replied.

"Ah, who?"

"Chinami. You know, my main lead in this mystery"

I guess we weren't talking about it, so maybe Yuki wasn't thinking about it.


We watched Tv for hours last night, until we both fell asleep.

"I'll go into work at nine, so I might as well make breakfast for Yuki" I thought while heading down stairs.

Since we had Japanese food last night, ill make another American breakfast.

I made eggs, toast, and bacon. As well as a glass of milk on the side.

Right before I was done cooking, Yuki peaked downstairs, all set for school. He then, walked downstairs, and came to stand by the counter, leaning on it.

"Have a good day at work!"

With that, Yuki went to put his shoes on.

"Your leaving??"

I replied to his actions. Why is he leaving super early? I made breakfast for him too!

"Yeah, sorry. I have to review for a test with my English teacher."

"But I made you breakfast"

I pouted.

He left before hearing my full reply. Damn, he is in quite the hurry.

(Yuki POV)

I need to go I need to go I need to go I need to go I need to go

Right now.

(Akise POV)

"Well I guess I'll eat the breakfast by my self"

I said to myself.

I dished my food, and turned on the TV. "Nothing much happing here.... Or here"

I pretty much just kept on saying, as I switched the channels.

- 25 mins later -

It's already 8:30, I should get going if I'm walking.

I put my plate in the sink, grabbed my bag, and out on my shoes.

(Yuki POV)

"W-why are you.... why"

(Akise POV)

After a 20 minute walk or so, I arrived in front of my work place.

When they first accept you, they give you a card with your ID on it, as well as a barcode. The barcode is always scanned when you enter the building, and swipe your card. It's like a super topic secret organization! Man, that was nerdy.

(Yuki POV)


Not him not him not him not him not him not him not him not him not him!!

(Akise POV)

I swiped my card, and entered. I was greeted by the receptionist, as well as my boss talking to her.

"Good Morning Aru!"

They said together.

I went upstairs to my work section. In this section, was all the detectives under 22, there for, I was in that section.

I looked around and tried to find Chinami, that sick, sick girl.

I found her cubical, and walked towards her, with my note book.

"Hello, Chinami"

I said.

"Whats the problem, Aru?"

"Well, do you care to look at these notes I have?"

I said, as I handed her my note book.

She read over it carefully with a confused expression painted on her face.

"So, your saying I'm the culprit for this?"

"Well, that's what evidence I have on you. So yes, naturally."

I replied.

"Okay then"

She said, then continued reading my notes.

I looked over to what she had on her desk, and saw an old criminal file.

"I remember this one from when i first started working here"

I thought to my self.

Without thinking, I picked it up, and started to read Chinami's notes on this file.

She finished reading, then looked up at me reading her notes.

"Oh yeah, those notes you have, actually fit that criminals file, way more"

Oh my god. It does. It was right under my nose this whole time. I know who the real culprit is.

"Hey can I borrow this?"

I asked, about her file.

"Yeah sure"

She replied.

This is all I need to confront the culprit!

(Yuki POV)

"Do it for him?"

Do it for him? Do it for him! Do it for him do it for him do it for him for him for him for only him.

| hehe. How you liking these random Yuki bits? I think it's very mysterious, and if you guys can figure out what if is, then you spoiled your self for the next chapter. Speaking of which, I want to do a good end and bad end for this. The series isn't actually ending, just the chapter, and how it ends.

I'll give you an option on who to pick, then for the good end if you thought the right person was ten culprit, you get the good end? Idk it's a working process.

Should I do it? Tell me in the comments! ( Don't worry I have way more evedince so it will be easy to chose the right person in the next chapter )

Btw, don't forget to read "Swing that way" it's my other YUKISE fanfiction with little plot, and lots of fluff! - Kookie💜

A turn for the better? (Akise x Yuki) Where stories live. Discover now