Chapter 15

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(Yuki POV)

As I opened my eyes, I only saw darkness. I wasn't sure of it was late at night, or something else so I looked at the clock beside my bed.

6:38?! , I thought.

I for some reason woke up really early this morning. I wasn't even tired, and it was six friggin am!

I reluctantly got up and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I brought I was going to wear to school today, so I could put it on after my shower.

After five minutes in the shower, I got out and dried my hair.

Usually Akise is awake before me, weird, I said as I walked out of the bathroom.

Since I had an hour till school started, I decided that I would try to make breakfast for me and Akise. He normally makes it, and i can't really cook, so this will be interesting.

I went it the fridge and got out some eggs, milk, and butter. I was planning to make scrambled eggs.

I mixed up some eggs and milk and put it on the pan. Just as I did that, I heard Akise walking down the stairs.

Trying to make breakfast?, he asked.

Yeah, scrambled eggs, I replied.

Well this will be interesting, Akise mumbled.

I continued pushing the eggs back and forth until it was finally cooked. I put the eggs on two plates, and toasted some bread.

I put the breakfast on the table, and said good morning to Akise.

Thank you, he said as he started to say his breakfast. The expression on his face looked very shocked, and I couldn't figure out why.

Woah, I didn't know you could even work the stove. Good job Yukiteru! Akise applauded me.

It was kind of an insult so I didn't really say anything back to him, I just laughed.

A few minutes later, after Akise finished his food, he headed upstairs to get dressed. I then, started to clean up after us, as I was already dressed.

----------------10 min time skip -------------------

(Akise POV)

Yuki made us breakfast this morning. Can't lie, I didn't expect him to know how to cook. Well, it's only eggs, but at least he didn't burn down our house.

Anyway, we are on our way to Yuki's parents house, because we haven't seen them in a while. I am bringing flowers for his mom, so then I keep a good impression.

Oh look, there it is! Yuki said as he pointed to a house across from where we were. His old house is pretty close to the village, so it's a short walk from our house.

With in minutes we were at the door step of the house.

Yuki knocked, then out came his mom.

Yuki! It's been a while! Oh and Akise too! She said as she hugged both of us. Ah, here Mrs. Amano, I said as I handed her flowers.

You don't need to bring anything to me, Akise. We're like family! She mentioned.

Did you already eat breakfast? Mrs. Amano asked. Yes actually, your son cooked for the first time, I replied.

We both burst out laughing, as Yuki looked annoyed.

So are you guys off to school now? She asked both of us. Yeah, Yuki replied.

Well make sure to keep up your grades you too! Mrs. Amano said. Of course! If Yuki is struggling I help him aswell, I answered.

Well then mother, we have to be going now, Yuki said.

I actually was enjoying my time with Yuki's mom, but every time we visit, I embarrass Yuki, making him want to leave early.

Okay then, bye boys!

Bye mom!

Farewell Mrs. Amano!

We all said as me and Yuki left for school.

| Sorry about this being so short. The next chapter will be really long and have a lot more fluff. I see all your comments about suggestions and tips, so don't think I forgot. Also, we are almost at 1K READS!! LIKE WHOT! 2 chapters ago we were almost at 500, now we're almost at 1K?! My birthday is on the 18th so it would be a great present of all my fans of this story, could share it with a friend. Thanks and bye! - Kookie💙 |

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