Chapter 20

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(Akise POV)

I went to our one and only culprits house.

Incase you haven't figured it out, the real culprit is Hada Neo, second year.

We have known each other for a long time, but not as friends. He is a criminal that I have been studying for as long as I have been a detective.

He would be in jail, but he's a minor. And why do i "know what he does"? Well I should have realized sooner. He specializes in murder, but second hand. He writes notes to make people go insane, then kill them selves.

I can't belive this was right in front of me the whole time! Litrally!

I should probably call Yuki, and tell him it's all over now.

I dailed his number, but all it did was ring. I guess it makes sense since he was at school, but, shouldn't he be on break?

I kept on calling and calling a good 3 minutes, all while having a terrible feeling in my gut.

I decided to go home, to look at my personal notes on Hada, so then I could remember where he lived.

I walked back home, but when I got home.

"What happened to the..." I questioned. The window was broken. I checked the time despretly. "Still an hour left!" I groaned.

I unlocked the door and stepped in.

"Do it for him. Do it for him. Do. It. For. Him."

I herded Yuki saying as he rased a kitchen knife with his hands.

There was already a substantial amout of blood around him.

I ran up to him and took the knife away.

"What did you think you were doing?!!" I asked sternly.

There as a note on his lap, with blood, and tears on it.

"Oh my god" I said as I looked at all his cuts.

I immediately dailed the police. I told them that my friend appeared to be bleeding out.

"" Yuki asked.

I started to cry at the graphic scene that unfolded before me. I knew it. He got to him. This was Hada. Yuki was about to stab himslef. This is what Hada does.

"Akise, your alive?" Yuki questioned.

"I should be asking you"

"But he said you were dead"

"Don't trust the note. I know who it was from, I know our culprit. He specializes in making people commit suicide, like you were about to do" I explained.

Yuki grabbed onto my legs and started apologizing. Meanwhile, I'm crying because my boyfriend almost got killed!

"I-IT wasn't your fault. It was... I-it was mine" I apologized.

"I should have known it was him! You wouldn't be hurt, or almost have died! I'm so sorry!!" I continued, while weeping some more.


The ambulance took Yuki a few minutes ago, and said I couldn't come.

"I'm a fool"

"This was.... was all my fault"

"If I just looked a little harder, and stopped suspecting obviously innocent people, then Yuki wouldn't be in the ambulance right now. He wouldn't be hurt. We wouldn't of been victims! All because I was stupid! Chinami did nothing!"

A turn for the better? (Akise x Yuki) Where stories live. Discover now