💕Valentines Day Special💕

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(Akise POV)

Ah tomorrow is already Valentine's Day!!

To say the truth here, I'm not really sure what to do. I was thinking maybe dinner? Or see a movie? But that's all bland stuff that we've done before...

"Hey Akise"

I turned around to see that Yuki just got back from school. He stayed after school for an hour for help with Science.

I could have helped him, but I guess their are teachers for that.

"Hi" I replied.

I noticed he had something in his hand, but before I could ask him about it, he ran upstairs.

He's been doing this same thing for the past week. Staying after school, then running upstairs. If you ask me, it's a little sketchy, but I won't ruin the suprise.

"You want a snack??" I yelled upstairs.

I heard a muffled response of "Yeah sure"

Sometimes I feel like a wife, but I guess I made this desision so Im the only one to blame.

I pulled out some shapes, rice, and fish and just made a simple rice ball for Yuki. Or if you want to be fancy is called 'Onigiri'. This is why I got a 94% in Japanese.

I took it up, and tried to open his door. Yes, tried. It was locked?? It's never locked.

"Leave it by the door"

Leave it by the door? He's not a freaking dog.

"Okay" I said with pain in my tone.

I guess my suspicions were correct - he is hiding something. Let's hope it's good? And not like "oh yeah by the way I'm straight and have a girlfriend" I mean, that's just straight up cold.

*cough* Well then.

I left the onigiri by his door, and went back down stairs.

I sat on the couch and whipped my phone out.

"What can I do?" I said to my self.

I still can't think of what to do tomorrow!! Time is of the essence right now! Think! Think!!!

| 2 hours later |

I been sitting here staring at my phone for 2 hours now. Yuki's still upstairs, I still have no clue what to do, and the days almost over!

Whatever, I'll go take a walk.

I grabbed my phone and decided to take a walk up to the grocery store. I needed more milk and rice so I guess this was a good idea??


"Man, I would be such a dick head if I didn't do anything for Valentine's Day" I thought to my self as I wandered around in the dairy section.

I picked up some milk, and headed to the cashier. While I walked there, I saw some chocolate.

I could buy him chocolate...??

That's too mainstream!!

I payed for the milk and started walking home.

(Yuki POV)

Ahhh!!! I won't be able to finish this in time!!

(Akise POV)

"Im back" I said as I walked in the house.

Yuki is still up in his room I suppose. I wonder what he's doing.

It's 7 pm already?? Crap! It's 7 and I still don't know what we're doing tomorrow.

A turn for the better? (Akise x Yuki) Where stories live. Discover now