Chapter 10

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| Third POV |

After Yuki and Akise had both fallen asleep after their long day yesterday, Akise woke up to a sound. Dingg, it was Akise's phone.

"Wunna go to the pool today with me and Mao?" Is what the text said.

"Sure, what time. And why are you texting me at 6 friggin am?!!" Akise replied to the text.

"Maybe at 12 or so. Bring snacks because we plan to be there for a while!" Hinata stated.

"Okay, bye"

Neither Hinata or Mao knew about Yuno's death or that Akise and Yuki were a thing yet. So I guess I'm revealing this today, Akise mumbled as he drifted back to sleep.

It was 9:42 when he was awoken agian by Yuki getting his clothes ready to take a shower. Good morning, Yuki said as he walked down the hall to take a shower. Oh Yuki can you come here for a second! Akise asked. Yuki walked back to their room. Yes? Yuki asked.

We are going to be pool with Hinata and Mao at 12 and it's 10 right now, Akise said. Okay whatever, Yuki replied as he went to take a shower.

Akise got up and dressed and headed down stairs.

| Akise's POV |

After I got dressed, I headed down stairs to prepare snacks for the day. I opened the fridge and got out things for sandwiches. I then slathered bread with peanut butter and jam or mayonnaise and mustard. I then grabbed some lettuce and put it on the bread with mayo and mustard. 

| Third POV |

While Akise was making snacks, Yuki was upstairs showering. Once Yuki got out of the shower and was dressed he went down stairs and sat on the couch. So are we meeting them there? Yuki asked. Yeah I guess so, Akise replied. Yuki then turned the TV on and as browsing for something to watch. Do they know about us? Yuki asked as he stood up to walk towards the kitchen counter.

I have longed to tell them so today will be the day, Akise replied. Yuki walked up behind Akise and wrapped his arms around his neck from behind. Tired? Akise asked. Yeah, I heard something this morning but didn't bother to get up, Yuki replied.

Akise turned around so then he was facing Yuki and leaned in to give the other a kiss. Akise slip his hands so then they were resting on the dark haired boys hips. They continued kissing for a few moments before Akise pulled away. Sorry love, I'm making snacks, Akise said as he turned to the fridge to pull out some cans of pop. Oh by the way, want a coffee? Akise asked as he turned on the coffee machine.

That would be great, Yuki replied and he sat on the counter. Akise gave him a quick peck before returning to what he was doing before.

| Akise POV |

Yuki seemed so helpless, but I needed to get stuff done for him. I reached over and put the pod into our coffee maker. I then put a mug under it to catch the coffee. Yuki had been wanting to see Hinata and Mao for a while now, so I think it's great that they want to hang out.

| Yuki POV |

I was quite tired and a little disappointed that Akise was so focused on making these snacks. He's a great boyfriend and I'm very happy to have him. I'm also very happy that I can finally spend time with two of my other friends. I laughed a little bit as I remembered when I first met Hinata.

| Third POV |

It was 11:30 am and Yuki and Akise both had just got out the door and were walking to the pool. It was about a 20 minute walk so they figured getting a little exercise is better then paying for a two minute bus ride.

Yuki linked his hands with the other so then they were holding hands. The majority of the walk was silent when Akise had a panicked look on his face. Hey Yuki did you happen to grab our snacks on the way out? Akise said in a calm voice.

Maybe, let me check, Yuki replied. Yuki scratched through the big bag with both of their clothes and towels for a bit. Here, Yuki said as he took out the snacks and handed them to Akise with a smile. Oh thank god. I don't need them I was making sure you brought them, Akise said with relief.

Another 3 minutes passed with them talking and laughing. Before they could realize they were at the pool. They decided to go sit on a bench just outside of it to wait for the other two.

Before long they saw Hinata and Mao, both in their everyday outfits. Hinata! Mao! Akise screamed, waving them to come over. They both ran towards the two boys. Sup Yuki, Hinata said. I know what your thinking and Yuki is my boyfriend so leave him alone, Akise replied. Wait a boyfriend, Hinata and Mao both said in sync.

Hinata and Mao both started jumping up and down and screaming. Quite down, people are staring, Yuki wispered. You finally realized that he's perfect for you! Mao said to Yuki. The two boys rolled their eyes and got up to enter the pool.

All of them bought day passes for the pool so then they could stay there for as long as they wanted.

Mao and Hinata had gone to the change room to change, while Yuki and Akise were wearing their swim trunks anyway so they didn't have to change. There were 3 pools and a hot tub. Yuki and Akise decided to go into one of the pools while they waited.

After a few minutes the girls had gotten changed and headed to the pool the boys were in. Lucky for them not many people were at the pool, so they could be as load as they wanted.


Hinata had started a splash war with the others. Back and forth they would splash until someone surrendered. Mao was was staring at Hinatas boobs the whole time, Akise was defending Yuki, and Hinata was splashing Akise. Finally Yuki surrendered. They had been at this for a good 10 minutes so someone had to stop it.

Yuki called it off, making the girls win.

Anyone want snacks? Akise asked just before getting out of the big pool. Yes please, hinata said, following Akise. Sure, Yuki and Mao both said following the other two.

So when are you going to ask Hinata to be your girlfriend? Yuki whispered to Mao. She blushed  at the thought of it. I asked Akise so you can ask Hinata, Yuki stated. I heard my name, Hinata turned around to say.

Do it, Yuki mouthed. Well I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend...., Mao asked with a smile. I do like doing good deads to people that need them so why not, Hinata replied, taking Maos hand. See it wasn't that hard, Yuki whispered to Mao.

Akise grabbed his bag and took out the sandwiches he made a few hours ago and checked the time. Woah 2:30 already?! Akise asked himself.

We should go get lunch! Akise suggested. Awe okay well that sounds like a good idea, Yuki replied as he checked the time. Anything for Yuki, Akise said as he kissed Yuki on the fire head. What about you, Hinata asked Mao. Yeah I guess so, she replied. Okay we're coming too! Hinata said.

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