Chapter 8

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| Third pov |

It was late evening. Clear skies, sun setting, stars slowing setting it. Akise and Yuki both were amazed at how pretty the sky looked that night. They were just staring out the window in the kitchen. Wow, Akise said. No kidding, I have never seen anything look so amazing, Yuki added.

I have, Akise said as he turned to look at his boyfriend.

Really? Were because this is just so.. wow! Yuki said mezmorized. Right next to me, Akise smiled. Yuki blushed as he punched Akise's shoulder. Shut up..., Yuki said.

So wunna go lay on the grass outside and watch the sunset? Akise asked as he stood up to hold his hand out. Why not, Yuki replied as he grabbed Akise's hand to help him up.

They walked out to the back yard. It was silent. They stared at the sky for a few minutes as Yuki layed on his boyfriends arm. Akise's arm started to feel a little numb but he was fine with it.

Remember when I asked if you wanted a more eventful night? Well I never got an answer, Akise said as he rolled over on top of Yuki. Yuki rolled his head to the side so then he wasn't looking directly at Akise. Yuki went to move his arms to cover his face because he was blushing.

Akise grabbed his arms and pinned them to the ground. So yes or no? Akise said anticipating a yes. Yuki moved his head and torso up as much as he could to kiss his boyfriend. He didn't want to give an answer.

Akise let go of Yuki's arms. Yuki pulled Akise down by his tie and kissed him for a few moments. They pulled away from the kiss as Akise was thinking of different ways the night could go. Yuki used all his effort to roll them around, so then he was on top of the other. Yuki touched Akise's face down, down to his neck, then down to the top of his shirt.

Yuki pulled Akise up by his tie once again and preceded to recreate the kiss they had before but longer. Every few seconds gasping for air, then going back in and kissing again. Akise reached up to pull his boyfriends beanie off and put it to the side.

Yuki had so many feelings for Akise for such a long time but couldn't say anything or ask to be more then friends. All his love comes out at moments like these.

You've gotten better, Akise teased as he rolled so then he was on top again. So are you shy? Not giving an answer? I see how it is, Akise said as he took of his own tie and shirt, still straddling Yuki.

I-... I'm not shy, Yuki mumbled.

Okay then Yukiteru, let's see what you've got! Akise cooed. The truth of the matter is that Yuki was unsure of how to continue of how to do more then just kissing.

Yuki unzipped his own jacket and threw it somewhere in the yard. They started passonitly kissing again as Yuki started un-buttoning Akise's pants.

Akise started giggling. Yuki was wondering why he was doing that.

Now, now not tonight. That was a test... and it looks like you passed the test so good job, Akise said as he started to stand up. I hate you, Yuki barked as he stood up to punch his boyfriends shoulder agian.

Love you too Yukiteru,

Akise said as he put all his clothes back on and went inside the house. Yuki followed. Yuki ran upstairs and collapsed on the bed as Akise stayed down stairs.

The taller boy was in the kitchen making some real celebratory food... Chicken strips!

About a half hour passed as Akise walked up stairs with chicken strips, plum sauce, and ketchup. Good work today, you saved someone's life, Akise said as he took a bite of chicken. We already went over this, I'm not the detective you are, Yuki said with some annoyance in the tone of voice. My hero.., Akise teased.

A few hours passed, it was 22:03 (10:03). Getting a little late, huh? Yuki asked. Suppose so, Akise replied. They both stood up to get their pyjamas and got back into bed. Hey Akise I have a question?, Yuki stated. What may that be? Akise replied.

Well... can we maybe invite Hinata and Mao over tomorrow? Yuki asked. I'm not your mom, and this is your house so you can do whatever, Akise said as he turned over, facing the wall. Oh okay thanks, Yuki said falling asleep. Good night Akise, Yuki said. Good night love, Akise replied.

---- -- ----- -- --- -

Yuki woke up to his boyfriend looking over him. Oh good your awake, anyway, guess what? Akise said. What? Yuki groaned. Remember that bridal place I sent you and Yuno? Well their doing that same thing again! Akise implied. Noooo, Yuki said as he buried him self under the blanket. It's happing, come on get ready, Akise said.

Since Yuki is a good boyfriend he got up and dressed, ate breakfast, and headed onto the bus right along side Akise. No one was on the bus, due to the early time. Akise and Yuki sat at the back of bus.

You know I'm doing this for you, Yuki said. I HATE MY LIFEEEE, Yuki thought. Love you, Akise said. Your an idiot Akise, but i love you too, Yuki said. Okay maybe I don't hate my life, Yuki accidentally said aloud.

Hmmm? Is it because of me? Akise teased. Yuki blushed as he moved a few seats away from his boyfriend. I'm just kidding, Akise said as he pulled Yuki close to him. Fine it might be because of you, Yuki said under his breath. Knew it, Akise replied.

You know how much I love you right? Akise asked. Yuki rested his head on Akise's shoulder. Yes love you too, Yuki said. So how longs the bus ride? Yuki asked. About an hour so get comfy, Akise said.

Oh great so I can sleep, because SOMEONE woke me up way too early, Yuki barked. Akise sighed. I love your angst~

| 10 minutes passed |

I almost forgot we had these. Yuki said as he pulled out his phone, displaying the future. Yeah things have been so calm ever since yuno.. Akise mumbled.

Hey Yukiteru, when did you fall in love with me? Akise teased. Yuki looked up and kissed Akise before moving a few seats over again. It's when I saved you wasn't it? Don't forget I have a future diary too, Akise teased.

Well since you already know then fine, it was when I was supposed to hang out with you but instead someone took a look around Yuno's house. I just started feeling all nervous to see you again and- Yuki caught him self.

Akise shuffled so then he was next to his boyfriend agian. This is why I love you, Akise said as he kissed Yuki's forehead. Also I noticed you seem to be going through your teen angst phase, Akise teased. Yuki blushed. You try to hide it but your love is clear as day light, Akise sang.

Wow this bus ride seems to be taking forever huh? Yuki changed the subject. What was it you were saying about when you fell in love with me? Akise cooed.

Nothing, Yuki replied. Love you Yuki, Akise said as Yuki was just about falling asleep on the bus. Love you too, Yuki replied.

A turn for the better? (Akise x Yuki) Where stories live. Discover now