Chapter 12

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(Third POV)

Akise and Yuki walked home and watched the sun set. It only was about 10-20 minutes before it was complety dark outside. With that happening, they went inside to go finish some homework. Yuki had some math homework he was struggling with.

(Yukiteru POV)

I rummaged in my backpack to pull out a lined peice of paper, and my math textbook. I opened up the book to the page I had to work on. Hey Akise can I have some help with this? I asked my boyfriend. He was always a bit smarter then me so if I have any troubles with homework I can just ask him.

Sure, He replied as he came and sat next to me.

Multiplying Intragers? I did that last year. It's really easy, just think. You have your number line and if the first number is positive, you face positive, if the first number is negitive you face negitive, Akise explained.

Oh i get it! That's all I needed to know, thanks! I replied as I went on to do my work.

(Third POV)

The boys were working on their homework as time passed quicker and quicker. Before they knew it, it was already 11.

Hey Yuki, I'm a bit hungry, you want me to make something for us? Akise asked as he got up. Sure, whatever you make is fine by me, Yuki replied as he got up as well. Here, let me help! Yuki demanded as he put on an aprin as a joke.

Okay, okay! You be the maid then! Akise teased. Yuki blushed as he went into the fridge to pull out some cheese. When he turned around he saw Akise holding something.

Here, try it on! Akise said, as he handed Yuki a maid dress and cat ears. D-do you just conveniently have this stuff?! Yuki yelled. Shhh, you'll wake the neighbours, Akise whispered as he grabbed Yuki's waist.

He shorter boy blushed again as the other started kissing him.

After a few seconds of small kisses Yuki pulled away and turned around to get noodles for the macaroni. So how do you make macaroni and cheese, Akise? Akise giggled a little before he walked right beside Yuki and put his arms on Yuki's. Here first you boil water, Akise said as he directed Yuki with his arms.

They picked up a pot and filled it with water, then placed it on the stove.

Hey you didn't answer my question earlier, Yuki stated. Oh, sorry, what was it? Akise smiled. Why in the hell do you have a maid costume?! Yuki yelled as he sharply turned around.

Well this is Japan, I mean doesn't everyone have one? Akise said jokingly. The other just gave him a blank stare. Just kidding, I work at a maid cafè, The white haired boy added.

A few moments of silence went by before Akise broke his smile, or Yuki even talked.

Okay well, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK AKISE!!! Yuki barked, breaking the silence. Just kidding, Akise teased. I bought it for you, I figured that eventually you would want to cook so I prepared for an amazing situation like this.

Another few moments of silence occurred as Yuki just blushed.

Without saying anything, Yuki grabbed the maid costume his boyfriend was still holding and walked up stairs in silence.

When Yuki went up stairs, Akise started making the food, figuring that Yuki had just gone to bed.

It was only when Akise started missing the cheese in, when Yuki came back down. Akise turned around and was shocked with what was before him.

Awe you look so cute! He commented. Yuki just stood at the bottom of the stairs, embarrassed to come closer. Yuki didn't talk or do anything, he just walked towards the food, dished it, kissed Akise, then told him to sit down.

I can't belive you actually put that on! Akise said In shock. W-well that's why you bought this, d-didn't you?! Yuki replied as he brought forward two bowls of mac and cheese.

He placed them on the table, and asked if his boyfriend wanted anything to drink. Akise replied saying that he wanted a cream soda.

He really just wanted to see Yuki bend down to reach the cream soda in the bottom cupboard. Yuki walked back with two drinks.

You look adorable, Akise said, staring at his boyfriend. S-shut up! Yuki replied as he toon a bite of his food. Akise laughed. It's getting late, after this I think we should go to bed, Akise said. Agreed, Yuki agreed with pain in his voice. Akise laughed once agian.


It was 1 am when the boys had finished their dinner, changed, and gone to bed. Yuki was stressing about going to school on Monday, since Akise was only in a few classes of his.


Normally Akise wakes up before him, but today Yuki had woken up first. They stayed up pretty late the night before so Akise was really tired. Since the other was up he decided to go for a morning walk.

(Yukiteru POV)

It was about 10 am when I had awoken. Usually I'm up a lot earlier, and before Akise too! I don't know, it was weird so I decided to go take a walk into the village, just to get some exercise.

I went into the coffee shop that I always go into just to go get some breakfast. I ordered a coffeee and a pumpkin spice muffin. While I was waiting for my muffin I realized that halloweens coming up in a few weeks. How did time go by so fast? How is it already October? These where all things I was thinking.

Anyway, I picked up my muffin and coffee and decided to sit outside.

Hey! Amano!

That's when I knew I was screwed. Just around the block I heard a formilear voice yelling my name. Just with my luck the voice became closer and closer, it was exactly who I thought it was.


Except this time, Akise wasn't there to save me. I had to defend my self.

Where's your little boyfriend fag? Fujuwara asked me as people passing by just watched. H-he's sleeping, I replied trying to stay strong. So your all alone? No interruptions then? He asked. He pushed me as I just kept quite.

Why did I think going out early was a good idea? Why did I leave? Why didn't I tell Akise earlier? I thought.

Fujiwara just kept on pushing me, then he picked up my coffee and poured it on me when I was pushed to the floor. S-, I was about to yell for help when Fijiwara told me to shut it, or Akise would get it.

I don't want him getting hurt because of me, so I just let Fujiwara beat me up.

A turn for the better? (Akise x Yuki) Where stories live. Discover now