Chapter 11

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(Third POV)

It was the middle of the day, noon maybe while Akise and Yuki were having lunch in the village. They were both eating bento boxes with Tempura, Maki, and Onigiri.

H-hey Yuki there's something i need to tell you, Akise said. What? What is it? Yuki replied with concern in his voice. Well I found this coffee shop down the road from here that will higher from 15 and up, and well my birthdays coming up in a few weeks, Akise said.

Oh, do you're gunna take the job when you turn 15? Yuki asked.

Yeah, Replied. If it's okay with you,

Yeah I guess you need to make money somehow. Anyway, what are you doing for your birthday? Yuki asked. I don't really have anything planned except for just hang out with you I suppose, Akise sighed.

(Yukiteru's POV)

"I don't really have anything planned except for hanging out with you I suppose"

As soon as I heard those words I knew. I knew that I needed to do something special.... but what?

Come on think, think! Akise always does things for me so this is the least you can do! I kept on saying to my self. I had just come up with the perfect thing to do but I couldn't tell him.

Oh, that sucks... I'm sure we can find something to do, I said. Oh that reminds me! We are coming up to our 6 month anniversary! I cheered.

Thats something that I would remember, but yeh that's right! Akise replied with joy. What if we celebrated your birthday and our 6 month anniversary on the same night? I suggested. Sounds like a plan, Akise said as he called a waitress over for the bill.

I immediately pulled out my wallet to pay. Akise was always the one that was paying for things and being the dominant one, but I wanted a little change.

Akise didn't even try to fight me to pay because he knew I would have snarled.

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(Akise POV)

We decided after lunch to walk around the village. We stopped in some candy stored and bought candy and went into the super market to buy more milk, eggs, fruit, and cereal.

It's weird how much I have to act as an adult when I'm living with Yuki. We also run out of cereal very quickly, I thought as I chucked to my self.

Hey Akise, want to go to the park after we buy this stuff, Yuki asked me, cute as usual. Okay, but only if you stop eating 4 bowls of cereal every day, I joked. Yeah sorry about that, Yuki giggled.

After we left the store we walked across the street to the park. It was a Saturday so their were a lot of kids. It was also weirdly hot today.

I placed the groceries down on a picnic table, took my jacket off, and got out our candy. The candy we bought were Mikly, Hi-Chew and Ramune candy, because they are Yuki's favourites.

I grabbed out our candy and sat down on the warm grass, Yuki in my lap. We say there and ate candy as well as talked for a little bit before it got to hot. Seriously today is so freaking hot! I cried out to the sun.

Obviously the sun can't hear so we just moved into the shade.

Oh crap! Yuki whispered to me as he jumped off my lap. What? I replied back sliding very concerned. Look it's that bully from my homeroom class! Yuki said as he avoided eye contact. Look he can bully you all he wants, he just has to go through me first! I yelled, catching his attention.

(They have been gong to school this whole story but when they do things it's either on holiday breaks, weekends, or after school. Also I'll call this bully Kyou)

Kyou, my boyfriends bully was walking towards us in silence. The only noise was him cracking his knuckles. Ahhh so your his hairs dog, Aru Akise, class 2-C, Kyou said to me trying to be intimidating. Kyou Fujiwara, class 1-D, I replied just acting as if i were him.

So is there a reason your guarding him?!, He said as he pushed me aside to go closer to Yuki. Hey! Leave him alone! He didn't do anything to you! I yelled.

Actually he sassed at me yesterday, Kyou groaned.

The bully wound his arm back, getting ready for a hard punch as he tugged Yuki by his shirt. Luckily I know Taekwondo so fixing this guy up should be a snap. All I had to do was take a step back with the right leg, and swing it forward for a side kick right on his stomach.

Yuki was released as Kyou throbbed in pain in the ground. Yuki looked worried as he grabbed my jacket and our candy and grabbed me by the arm and started running.

We ran until he pulled us into a low-key shady ally.

Yu- I was cut off by Yuki yelling at me. Okay what the hell?! I didn't ask you to do that! Yuki yelled. Yeah? And I didn't ask him to come beat you up! I barked.

You don't understand how much harder school is going to go for now on, Akise! Yuki just went on and on and on about the same thing.

W-wait is he the reason you came back with that black eye that day after school when I was waiting for you? I asked.

Shh! Yuki sushed me and placed his hand over my mouth.

I tried to talk but he put one finger on his lips signalling me to shut the hell up.

We heard foot steps walking up to where we were hiding. I knew what Yuki was thinking. "Run" most likely. That wusse, he's my wusse, I thought to my self. Well then so be it, I looked at him nodded and we both ran as fast as we could.

(Yukiteru' POV)

I was starting to get out of breath when h looked at who was chasing me and Akise. Just as I thought, it was Fujiwara.

After we ran for a solid 5 minutes we lost sight of him. Thank god! Akise pleaded as he dragged his feet. Because of ho fast we run we were pretty much home. It was only a minute or so walk until then.

I stopped walking or anything and just looked up at the sky. It was 6 when I looked down and checked my watch so the sun was slowly setting. It was so pretty, just like that other night a few weeks ago.

Want to watch the sun set again? I asked my boyfriend. Akise leaned in ask gave me a few kisses and replied with a smile.

A turn for the better? (Akise x Yuki) Where stories live. Discover now