Chapter 9

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( Third pov )

They had just got off the bus, right in front of the wedding place. Akise actually felt a little bit nervous. What if they don't like people like us?, he thought. What if we get kicked out? He mumbled to him self.

Hello? Earth to Akise? Yuki asked as he waved his arms in front of Akise's face. Akise quickly snapped out of it. It's okay, Yuki assured. Yuki grabbed Akise's hand as they walked in.

They were greeted by a young woman in a uniform gesturing for them to visit the dinning hall. Here for the full package? The lady asked. Y-yeah, Yuki replied. I think I may have seen you here before with that pink hair girl?, the woman said. A-haha don't think so, a duplicate, Yuki said trying to stay calm for his boyfriend.

They were sat down at a table a little bit away from everyone else. Two of the staff members brung out tea and cookies for them to start with. So why exactly are we here?, Yuki asked his boyfriend. Well because I want to marry you, Akise said with a smile.

It was a short moment of silence. Akise started panicking internally thinking that, that wasn't the best thing to say. O-oh well I guess it's good to get practice before the big day r-right? Yuki said in a nervous voice. Look it's okay, we're only 14, we don't need to think about marriage at all yet, Akise assured getting his confidence back.

Yuki turned to kiss his boyfriend. Your an idot, Yuki said just before he sipped his tea. Akise let out a small laugh, drawing attention to them.

Not before long the same two staff members came out with an array of food that is what they would call "rich people food". It consisted of fish eggs (caviar), traditional sushi, "fancy rice", and much more. They took one bite and were immediately complementing the chef.

Wow this is so good! Akise and his boyfriend both said at the same time. Glad you like it, one of the ladies said with a smile. Haha I even feel like I own mansion right now, Akise chuckled. Yeah and like 50 race cars, Yuki added on.

They had almost finished all their food but were happy that they got to eat it all. See it's not that bad, Akise said. I guess it's not as bad as last time, Yuki rolled his eyes. Both Yuki and Akise were relieved that they didn't treat the only gay people differently. They had both seen lots of sexual orientation related abuse in public and were scared that would happen.

Time to get suited up! One of the ladies said as she let the two over to change rooms. They both picked out suits that had the same colour scheme as each others.

They walked in the chage rooms, got their suits on, looked in the mirror and decided that it was a great choice. Yuki actually blushed as soon as he saw Akise walk out. Damn, Yuki thought. Mr. hottie over here, watch out he's coming to steel your girl, Akise teased as he walked closer to Yuki. Yuki blushed but tried to hide it by saying "shut up..."

The last asked if they wanted a practice ceremony, Akise replied and the lady lead them into the room. Akise was waiting with the priest as he saw Yuki walk out. In rich of poor, darkness of light, Heath or harm, do you Yukiteru Amano take this man to be your awfully wedded husband? The man asked.

Yuki took one big gulp, nervous for some reason and paused for a moment. Akise looked right at him and smiled. I do, Yuki replied. The priest was reciting what he had just soad to Yuki but to Akise. He heard nothing and just wanted to kiss Yuki right then and there. Take this man to be your awfully wedded husband?, the priest asked. I do, Akise said.

It was a few minutes after the practice ceremony when the same woman that had helped them all day asked if they wanted a photo. Through out the whole day, Yuki had been getting flash backs of being there with Yuno. Sure, Akise said with a massive smile. Akise followed the woman, as Yuki followed behind the two.

3...2...1, say cheese!, the photographer said. He took a few photos then gave Yuki mad kiss a chance to rest and loon at the photos. If you want them I can print them out, the man insisted. Oh yeah that would be amazing, thank you! Akise replied. As soon as the photographer left, Yuki was about to cry.

W-what's wrong? Akise asked in a panic. I just r-remember d-doing this with Y-yuno and- Yuki was cut off by Akise leaning in close and kissing him. Shh, it's okay, Akise said.

The photographer came back and handed the two their photos. Wow we look pretty good, Akise stated as he was mostly looking at Yuki in the photo. Yeah, wow, Yuki replied. Thanks! Akise said to the man as he placed the photo on a chair by his clothes. Better change huh? Akise asked. Yeah guess so, Yuki replied.

The two changed out of their suits and back into their normal clothes jut before they left. Hey how about tomorrow we get you some new clothes, Akise said. That wasn't really a question so I guess I have no choice, Yuki replied. You always wear that same outfit everyday... I think you could use a change, Akise stated.

Oh so you think I look bad in this outfit? Yuki teased. N-no that's - , Akise was saying. - Just teasing... Yuki interrupted.

They were walking walking when Yuki had realized something. W-what, I was gunna invite Hinata and Mao over today!! Yuki barked. Well you had fun didn't you? Akise teased. You are an idiot, Yuki replied. You are adorable, Akise said as he kissed Yuki on the forehead. Yuki blushed and looked away.

Akise looked at his watch to check the time. Oh only 4?? He thought. Hey Yuki you want to go out for dinner? Akise asked. Yeah whatever but I'm nit paying because you forced me to do this today, Yuki replied.

Of course!

About 4 minutes had passed and the bus was coming around the corner to stop at the bus stop. Yuki and Akise got on the bus and sat at the back just like before.

I might have enjoyed today just a little but, Yuki mumbled. I'm glad you did! Akise replied as he rested his head on his boyfriends shoulder. Akise was ready to pass out after that long of a day, up at 7 and having such an eventful day until 4. Not to mention the day before that he was busy trying to catch a mass murderer all day.

"Akise, Akise wake up its our stop". Akise had actually passed out and was awoken by his boyfriend. Luckily no one was really on the bus then either so there for they weren't holding anyone up.

They got off the bus and were walking up to the front door of their house. So we can get changed relax for a bit then head out for dinner okay? Akise assured. Okay, Yuki replied.

Akise opened the door toon his coat and shoes off and threw him self onto the couch. Yuki followed, snuggling up into his arms. Yuki I've been wanting to do this all day but couldn't SO I'll just do it now. What wou- Yuki was interrupted by Akise. Akise started attacking him with kisses. On his lips, cheeks, and forehead. 

Yuki just kissed back because quite honestly he wanted to do the same. Yuki and Akise both stopped kissing and went up stairs to get changed. After they were changed they returned to the kitchen just to sit in the couch agian and turn on the TV.

They were in the same cuddle position as before when Yuki started crying. Akise could feel tears hitting is arms so he re-adjusted so then he could look at his boyfriend. What's wrong love, Akise asked. I-it's n-nothing I'm n-not even c-crying, Yuki replied.

Yeah your not crying and I'm jut gay, honey your not fooling anyone. Yuki laughed slightly at that joke. I was just.... remembering when I went to that p-place with Yuno... it just makes me think of how s-stupid I was, Yuki replied. You are not stupid and never was, Akise said in a flaming voice.

I'll love you, and always have loved you no matter what, Akise said as he wiped away Yuki's tears. Love you too, Yuki replied.

A turn for the better? (Akise x Yuki) Where stories live. Discover now