Chapter 16

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(Akise POV)

After we visited Yuki's house, we set off for school. The school doesn't know about Yuki and I being in a relasionship, but I figured it's been long enough so I decided that today were coming out.


Yuki nervously held my hand as we walked into the school area. We didn't see any students because how early we were.

"I-I'm a bit scared. What if we get kicked out?!"

Yuki asked.

I took my arm and rested it on his shoulder and told him everything was going to be fine.

We sat in the cafeteria and finished some homework, as Yuki played with my hair.

Usually kids don't sit in here, so I figured it would be a good first step for being a known couple at school.

Yuki asked a few questions about our English homework, then the warning bell rang.

Me and Yuki packed up our stuff and walked through the hallways holding hands. We heard a few people whisper about what was happening and what they thought.

Yuki tried to dash through the hallway, while I was taking in the "fame".

(Yuki POV)

I was starting to get nervous, seeing all these people looking at me and Akise. I could heard them whispering, and it made me quite embarrassed.

The second bell rang as soon as we got I class. Our teacher gave us and odd look when we walked in hand in hand.

She coughed loudly, making me let go of my boyfriends hand.

After we sat down she started her lesson on adjectives. I'm not that good at English but Akise is a genius with this kind of stuff!

** one long boring lesson **

We only have 2 periods today because it's a shirt day, so when ten bell rang I headed to my next class; Science. Akise had Math next so we were split for that time.

** second period starts and ends **

After second period I went back to ten cafeteria to wait for Akise. After a minute he walked through the doors aggressively.

"Akise, is something wrong?" I asked him. He looked so panicked, I wonder what it is.

"It's nothing Yuki, don't worry" he replied back.

Not a very convincing statement but okay.

I looked at hand to see a crumbled up note.

"What's that?" I asked. "This? Oh it's just some old notes I need to toss" he replied as he put it in his bag.

But he didn't toss it. Something is wrong and I need to know what it is.

(Akise POV)

I could tell that Yuki knew something was off so I had to hide it. I tried to put on a smile but he saw through me.

"Akise, something is bothering you. You're not usually like this" Yuki stated.

Seriously? Can he just shut up. He doesn't need to know about this crap anyway.

To tell the truth, I revived a letter. When I was in math I went to the washroom, but when I came back their was a crumbled up note on my desk. It said "I don't like that boyfriend of yours. You could use someone better like me. Break up with him or I'll break him, got it? And don't think I'm kidding because you know who I am and what I do. - Qi"

I usually can tell if someone is lying just based on how they write. I mean, being a detective and all, you would think I could at least do that.

Now I'm stuck with this mystery of is it? I will do anything to protect my Yuki. Even die if I have to.

| AHHH I WANT TO DIE! It's 12 am and I'm writing this. I am so so soooo sorry that I just turned the plot back on. I was reading alloys of plot heavy yaoi recently and though this story needed it. Don't worry, I'll write a fluff/smut Christmas special ;)) what are your theory's on who it is? I guarantee this will be an epic twist! K love ya - Kookie💙💜 |

A turn for the better? (Akise x Yuki) Where stories live. Discover now