41. Moving Out and In

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We walked into Scott's house and up to his room where the others were all waiting for us.

"Nice make-out session?" Scott asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Who? You and Kristen?" I shot back and he shut up, very quickly.

"I'm surprised you showed Heath" Zane said and he shrugged.

"My mom was cool with it, she justified that it's not actually illegal." Heath explained and Zane's mouth fell open.

"Yeah man, my reaction as well. The old lady is off her rocker." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"She just loves me" I said and he laughed.

"You know it's true. It's scarily true." Heath admitted and I smiled.

"Alright, lets get this shit. They've probably changed the locks by now, right?" Scotty asked, looking to me. I shrugged.

"Probably not but my window doesn't have a lock on it anyway and it's kinda easy to get into from the outside. I got locked out over the summer and figured it out." I said and Scott smiled slightly but shook it off before anyone else but me saw it.

"Alright, you go over and break into your own house. Let us in through the front. If we all walk through the window, it'll be suspicious to the neighbors. Todd and Heath will park their trucks in your driveway and we'll get this all done." Scott said, taking over as leader. I nodded and allowed him to lay the plank and hold it as I walked across to my window. I quickly and effortlessly got into the room and quickly ran down to open the front door.

Within a few minutes, everyone was gathered in my old room.

"Alright, what are you taking?" Todd asked.

"I mean, I don't need any of the furniture. Like the bed and dresser can all stay. I just need my clothes really. And all my books!" I said.

"Nerd" David muttered and they all began to snicker.

"You know, a week ago I would have yelled you down for that." I said.

"Things are different now" Scott said.

"I don't know, I'm still kinda keen to start yelling at you guys." I joked, shrugging one shoulder.

"Yeah, you would." Heath joked, shoving me slightly.

"Can we hurry up and do this?" Todd asked and we nodded, getting into it.

Within the next hour, we had almost everything packed up. Todd crawled out from under my bed, holding something.

"What's this?" He asked, looking at the small book.

"Uh, that's none of your business" I said, going to grab it off him but he held it above my head.

"Todd, I'm serious give it back." I said.

"Now why would I do that?" He asked, flicking through it.

"I'm serious" I said, attempting to grab it again.

"Woah" Todd mumbled.


"What is it?" Heath asked, looking over. The others all gathered around Todd as he looked through the book.

"Did you do all this?" Scotty asked, looking at me.

"I knew you liked Art, I didn't realise you were a fucking artist" Heath said.

"It's just a concept sketch book." I said, finally grabbing it off them.

"The other books you packed were full as well, weren't they?" Heath asked, remembering that I had made a beeline straight for my bookshelf to pack up things I didn't want them to see. 

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