A Dangerous Game of Hide 'n Seek

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It took a long trek, but finally the group had reached the peak of Mt. Ebbot. A darkened entrance gave somewhat of a scary appearance, and if you were to look hard enough, you could see a chasm in the small cave's center.

  Your mother struggled against her restrainers, biting her lip. Her eyes darted this way and that, finally resting upon Abraham. Her pupils constricted mixtures of fear and anger flashed in them.

The prince halted his forces and stood in silence for a couple of seconds, then turned around. His mouth was curved upwards like a serpent's, and one could argue that his pupils were narrow slits.

"We are here," he announced proudly, gesturing to the area around him with one of his hands. "Now is the time that this little one shall return to their rightful home. The home of the monsters."

The mass of men cheered, being silenced a little bit later by a wave of Abraham's hand. The restrainers had to tighten their grip since Meredith was giving them a fight.

Of course, your uncle noticed, and came nearer, his face close to hers. She stopped her struggle just enough to listen to his words, ever growing madder by the second.

"It doesn't have to be this way, my dear. You and your child can be spared on one condition. You know what I'm going to propose, don't you? Marriage to the new and better king. David was a thing of the past. Now its time to look towards the future."

"...There is no way in even heaven that I'd decide to marry you," your mother retorted harshly, spitting in his face with a glare on hers.

Abraham squinted, backing off and rubbing the spit off with his sleeve. "Very well then. That is just how I'd expect you to answer. However, being the gentleman that I am, I must ask another question. Would you rather die first or second?"

Meredith barked, "I'd rather die than watch my child be butchered."

"Honest answer, however, we aren't going to butcher the child. That would be a very low blow, even for me," your uncle scoffed, smoothing a hand over your head. This caused you to stir, if not for a little while, and your uncle started to get disgusted. "Men, please silence this woman so we can get this over with. I'm starting to get attached to this hellish little beast."

The men nodded, shoving your mother into position. Her eyes brimmed with tears, staring at you longingly. One man came forward wielding a battle axe, raising it high over her neck.

"...(Y/N).... I-I love you, little bumble bee..."

The words were only a whisper of the past now as her head rolled on the ground just moments afterwards, body slumping. A light blue soul burst forward from Meredith's chest. It shook, then broke into pieces immediately after.

"A beheading? What an interesting choice," Abraham remarked, a smile on his face.

  Turning back toward the cavern, Abraham marched forward until he stood just inches from the drop off. A shadow passed over his face and for a second his expression seemed similar to one of guilt. It soon passed.

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