chapter 28

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****LIZ'S POV****

I woke up and let my eyes adjust to the bright lights in the room. I look over and see that Ricky is still asleep and his camera and tripod is on the floor.

he probably made a video at like four in the morning.

I get up and put on some slippers and go to Jozz's room. I open the door quietly as possible and see she is on her phone crying.

I sigh "why are you crying its too early." I say and lie down next to her

"Cameron has been texting me a-and I don't know if I should f-forgive him." she says in between sobs

I scoot closer to her and grab her phone and look through the text messages.

they all consist of

im sorry, please answer me babe, i love you, call me or text me!

"maybe you should take your mind off of him right now ok." i say sitting up

"we can go to the mall or.... six flags!!" I say smiling at her

she nods her head smiling a little.

"lets go at like 4 or 5." I say looking at the time. It's 11:45

she nods her head and sniffles

"what do you want to eat for breakfast?" i ask her

"I don't know. Do you want to make something?" she says putting on her slippers and walking out of the room with me

"yes that's not a problem." I say

"good so I guess I'll just watch you since I don't know how to cook." she says and giggles

I shake my head and look in the cabinets to check if all the things to make breakfast is there.

"are all the boys here?" Jozz asks me leaning on the counter

"Ricky is here, Jc is here, and I think Connor is here as well." I reply

"yay, I am going to talk to Connor!" she says nodding her head scrolling through twitter

I start making pancakes and then Jozz volunteers to do the bacon.

I laugh and nod my head.

as I finish up the pancakes Jozz is putting the last piece of bacon on a plate.

"you said you didn't know how to cook!" I say looking over at her

she starts to laugh "I do but I lied because I didn't want to help but then I felt bad."

I roll my eyes and put the stack of pancakes in the middle of the table.

as if on cue we see Jc come down and sit at the table. he grabs a plate without a word and tries to grab a strip of bacon but Jozz slaps his hand away.

"what?" he says

"we have to wait for the familia!" I say smiling

he rolls his eyes and leans back on the chair. a few seconds later he stands up unexpectedly

"they are never going to get up." he mutters and runs upstairs with a pan and a wooden spoon in his hand

next thing we know we hear banging sounds coming from upstairs and yells


me and Jozz stare at each other and then burst out laughing.

Jc comes downstairs and then a few minutes later Connor and Ricky groggily greet us and hit Jc.

they each eat like 5 pancakes and a lot of bacon. Jozz and I only get two pancakes each and 3 strips of bacon.

well at least they liked it. Connor sits on his chair drinking his coffee and Jozz gets up and motions Connor to go upstairs so they could talk. 

I sigh and grab my phone. I have five missed calls?


I shake my head and debate whether or not I should call him back. I decide to call him back he is my friend and maybe he has a good explanation.

I call him back. it took him a few rings until he answered.

"liz?" he says sounding excited

"yea. what's up Cameron I saw you called me a few ti-" I was cut off by him talking rapidly

"how Jozz is she ok? is she there/ does she know I called you? I can explain I swear." he takes a deep breath

"damn calm down, shes fine shes talking to Connor and would you like to explain why you hurt Jozz?" I say sternly. I put the phone call on speaker once I see Jozz walk in and I motion to her that its Cameron. she nods and sits down.

"well to be honest I don't even know what happened I was with my friend and Jozz wasn't there so he dared me to take a drink and another and another and then he made that girl dance on me but then she went to far even after I told her I had a girlfriend and she kissed me and my first instinct was to kiss back and then I stopped and Jozz went mad and I understand why I would have been heartbroken." he takes a deep breath.

what he just said he said in one breath and I don't even know how I understood any of that.

"I just want her to know that I love her so much and what I did was a mistake and an accident I didn't mean for that to happen. I wish she would understand that and not ignore me. I miss her so much even though it was just one day but I miss her goodnight texts and morning calls or me waking up to my arms wrapped around her. I miss her and I love her. can you do me a favor and tell her to call me back or at least text me." he says

by now he's sniffling but he tries not to break down. Jozz looks up and she's crying.

she smiles as I hand her my phone.

"why didn't you just tell me that?" she says sniffling

"Jozz?" he says in disbelief

she hums and I leave the room so they could talk.

I plop down next to Jc and wishbone

"whats up." he says looking up

"nothing. hey we haven't hung out in a long time. maybe we should have a best friend day." I say nudging him

he smiles "yea ok when?" he asks

"tomorrow. me and Jozz are going to Six flags to get her mind off of Cameron but whats the use now." I say realizing how they just made up

I shrug "oh well" I get up and run upstairs to get ready.





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