Chapter III

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Blaine was doing the dishes and still trying to cope with his anger towards Cooper. If it was to say those awful things, why did he bother showing up?

Suddenly he felt Kurt's arms closing around his waist and Kurt's lips gently touching the back of his neck. He sighed while Kurt rested his head on Blaine's shoulder.

Blaine started to talk still soaping the last plate:

"He still thinks our father was right. You know... that we should never have adopted a child."

"Or get married at all..." Completed Kurt with his hand stroking Blaine's back.

"Well, that part is still just my father... I think. Anyway, Cooper thinks we're turning Adrian, or Andrew if you rather, into a coward. He thinks anyone who isn't a show off like him is not someone worthy."

Kurt knew Blaine needed to talk, so he just hugged tighter and rested his chin on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine kept talking:

"And he's also not happy with me for giving up on my acting career to raise my son."

"But you're doing so well as an agent. Rachel's career is fantastic and you've got other good clients. Besides, you can always go back being Scarecrow on Broadway. Everybody in The Wizard of Oz would be glad to have you back. Rachel told me. Ady is bigger now; it wouldn't be a problem."

"I know. I like everybody there but I don't want to go back. I don't want to work all nights. I want to watch my son growing. And I also am rooting for you to get the job in Moulin Rouge. When that happens, Adrian will need me more often at home. I was a little jealous when I picked him up at kindergarten and all he wanted was his Daddy Kurt."

"Nonsense Blee, that kid worships you. It's just because I was the one who wasn't working to be with him fulltime this first year of him with us."

"I know, it was just a silly jealousy. I miss spending time with both of you. I like the extra time my current job gives me. I don't regret stop acting: it was worth it."

"There's also the producer job the guys from Cabaret offered you. It wouldn't keep you out all nights. You could still dine with us like we do now."

"But it would keep me away in Chicago from five to six months. I don't want to be away from you guys."

"It wouldn't be like when I first moved here. We were young; you were still in high school. We're going to be fine. It's different now: we're married and have a strong relationship."

"One more reason for me to want to stay in New York with my husband and child. I want to live the family life I've built with you. Speaking of which, Mrs. Bane wants to see us."

"Is something wrong with Ady?"

Blaine was very irritated by Kurt's remark and droped a pan splashing water all around:

"Could everyone stop assuming there's something wrong with Adrian? He's a perfectly normal child whose life has never been ease."

Kurt knew that Blaine's anger was not towards him; even so, he tried to apologize:

"I'm sorry, honey, you know that's not what I meant. I also shouldn't have brought Cooper home tonight. My intentions were good: I thought he wanted to make amends with you, not make things worse. Now take off that wet shirt and give it to me so I can wash it."

When Kurt was back, Blaine was looking at him with his puppy eyes. Kurt smiled back at him. Blaine pushed Kurt against the counter and started caressing his face:

"I'm so sorry, gorgeous. I shouldn't have shouted at you. I don't know how my brother has this power to piss me off so much. My anger wasn't towards you."

"Don't worry, honey, I knew that. That's why I took so much time washing your shirt just now: you needed the time to chill out. But don't be so upset about the things your brother said to you; we knew we would face prejudice when we decided to get married and when we decided to adopt Adrian."

Blaine sighed, his eyes are filled with water:

"But they are my father and my brother! I expected them to support me. I knew my father had issues with me being gay; but I always thought he would grow out of it once he had the opportunity to know you and to see how much I love you. Everyone can see how much happier I am since you walked into my life. And, I never thought it was possible, but I'm even happier since we became Ade's fathers. Why can't they see it?"

"Well, I'm here and I'll always be. My whole family loves you and they are behind us in whichever decision we take. Your son loves you very much. I understand you wanting to be in good terms with your father and brother; but while this is not possible, I hope we're enough to make you happy."

"Of course you are."

Blaine pulled Kurt closer to him and started kissing him most ardently. Kurt immediately responded kissing him back and running his hand down Blaine's belly towards his belt buckle.

Things were getting hotter and hotter when they realized they were not alone: Adrian was standing wide-eyed in the middle of the kitchen.

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