Chapter VI

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                "Daddy? Did I do something wrong?"

Adrian was in Kurt's lap and Blaine was right behind them after having excused himself with Ade's teacher and collected the little one's backpack and lunchbox. Kurt was still mad with anger; so Blaine was the one to calm their son:

"Of course not, Ade. It's just that both your Daddies took the day off to take you to Central Park."

Ade was still wary about Kurt's behavior:

"Can we go play with the boats, Daddy Kurt?"

Kurt tried his best to smile at his son:

"Sure, Sweetie, anything you like."

Blaine was starting to get upset whit Kurt's attitude, so he whispered in his ear:

"I need to call work and ask the day off; could you keep it together for Adrian's sake?"

Kurt was taken by surprise by Blaine's bitterness. He tried to start a sentence but Blaine only said "later" and walked away to make the phone call. Kurt then hugged Ady tight against his chest and kissed his son forehead.

Kurt and Blaine didn't want to talk in front of the boy, so the subway travel was very quiet. Apparently they did a good job hiding there was a problem because all Adrian was worrying about was which boat he'd choose to hire at Central Park.

When they get there, he ended up choosing the same old red and blue boat he likes to play with on their Sunday's visits to the park. Blaine and Kurt were watching him from a bench. Blaine then turned to Kurt:

"What are we going to do now?"

"Write to the newspaper and post all over the internet the absurd that women told us."

Blaine took a deep breath: Kurt would take it as passionately as Blaine predicted. He'd have to use all his sensibility not to provoke Kurt:

"I meant about Ade. Who's going to look after him this week? I can't take any more days off and you have meetings with the Moulin Rouge producers..."

Kurt was still a little bugged by Blaine's comment:

"Wait a minute; aren't you in rage with Mrs. Bane and all those snobbish parents? By the way, why didn't you back me up earlier today? I won't leave that be! Everybody must know of the discrimination we just suffered, Blaine, and..."

Kurt was interrupted by a pretty annoyed Blaine:

"Honestly Kurt I think you overreacted."

Kurt gasped surprised but Blaine went on:

"Of course it was wrong and vil. But it was not the first time we heard things like that and I am more concerned about Adrian's future and well-being."

Kurt was so angry that he forgot about keep the appearances for Adrian and got up:

"It's exactly because I am thinking about Adrian's future and well-being that I did what I did..."

Adrian has seen Kurt yelling at Blaine and came next to them. Blaine saw him approaching and had an answer ready for it:

"Ade, we're going now. Daddy Kurt is already up so we can go get lunch. Let's go return the boat."

During the rest of the day they didn't had an opportunity to talk without Adrian around. It was quite a nice day if you could ignore the fact that Kurt and Blaine were hardly making eye contact and talking more with Adrian then among themselves.

The first time they were alone was when they were in the bedroom getting ready to sleep. Kurt was the one starting the conversation:

"I called Rachel. She said she can watch Ady over tomorrow while I'm at the meeting. I only have to pick him up before five, when she leaves to the theater. When should we start looking for another kindergarten?"

Blaine had a very serious face as he responded:

"Are you sure this is the best option we have?"

"What do you mean? Do you have a problem with Rachel staying with Ady tomorrow?"

"No Kurt, I mean that I don't want to rush things. He searched a lot before deciding the best kindergarten for Adrian."

"Blaine, I will not let my son be bullied."

Blaine sighed:

"I'm just afraid that's not an option..."

Kurt gave him a sympathetic smile:

"Blee, I know you've ran in the past; but don't give up. Adrian needs us. He hasn't chose this."

"Neither have we, Kurt, but we still were harassed everyday..."

Blaine rolled hiding his face. Kurt tried to hug him but he politely snicks way. Kurt gave up:

"Good night Blaine"

Blaine didn't answer but Kurt could hear a sob. He's just not sure if Blaine's sore is with the present or with the past.

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