Chapter XV:

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"Kurt? It's Harriet. I just wanted to say that the idea of asking Rachel Berry to make that video was fantastic."

"Well, it was actually Blaine's idea. I was caught by surprise."

"Then congratulate him. I think I can gather more families to formally ask for a meeting with Mrs. Bane. I'll call whenever I get an update on the subject."

"Thank you, Harriet."

Kurt hung up the phone and Blaine was waiting to know what it was about. Kurt just said:

"Apparently Harriet is a big fan of your and Rachel's video."

Blaine winked at him and got his briefcase to go to work:

"Your husband is a hero. Wait me for dinner, okay?"


Kurt was again at home with a restless Adrian and piles and piles of sketches to finish. He didn't have much time to work as their nanny just arrived there after school. Even when she's with them, Ady doesn't stop to knock on Kurt's door requiring his attention. Poor Lisa tries her best, but sometimes Adrian is just unmanageable.

Today, Kurt had almost finished drawing all the costumes for the show. He was just adding some final touches and was supposed to send them in two days to the producers. He should finish this in the few hours Lisa stood with Ady. That was all the time he had.

He sat on his desk and stared at all the sketches spread around him. They seemed nice everyone in particular but they didn't seem to make an entirety. If he just added some green. Like the color of Rachel's dress in the video. His head is turned to the video and he starts to worry about Adrian's situation. Okay, focus. He looked again at the drawings and tried to find his train of thoughts. He could put a jacket on the male ensemble, just like the one Blaine owned. He was now thinking of Blaine and how they were stressed out lately.

Suddenly, Adrian started screaming and Lisa's voice yelled for the boy to be quiet. Kurt giave up and went to see what's happening:

"Lisa, what's that about now?"

She smiled embarrassed:

"I told him he would disturb you. I'm telling it's time for his bath."

Adrian appeared behind her:

"I don't want Lisa to give me my bath; I want you Daddy."

Kurt sighed:

"Ady, how many times do I have to tell you that when I'm working and you are with Lisa it's like I'm not at home?"

"But you are at home. I can see you."

"Don't try to be Mr. Smart Pants. Do what Lisa says. It's like with your teacher at school; I trust her to take care of you so you must obey everything she says."

Adrian was whimsy:

"I wish I was at school."

Lisa could tell that Kurt got upset with Adrian's remark. She managed to take the boy by the hand and carried him to the bathroom. Kurt went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. He takes his time and decides to do the dishes to see if he can clear up his mind enough to go back to work.

When Kurt entered his room again he couldn't believe his eyes: Adrian had drawn with his crayons in at least ten of Kurt's sketches. Kurt lost his mind:


The boy entered a little scared in the room. Kurt was red with fury:

"What have you done!?"

Adrian's voice wasn't louder than a whisper:

"I was helping you finish your work so you can come play with me..."

"You think that will help me? Look what you've done! You have given me at least more two days of work and goodness knows if now I can finish this on time!"

Kurt's face was transfigured. Adrian has never seen his dad like that and was completely scared:

"I'm sorry, Daddy."

Kurt wasn't thinking straight:

"Sorry isn't going to help anything!"

Adrian started to cry:

"Now you hate me! I know you are just going to leave me at the orphanage like my mother did."

The boy turned away and went running to his room. Lisa gave Kurt a shamefaced smile and ran after Adrian.

Kurt was heartbroken with the things he said to his son. The look in Adrian's face as he ran away from him was killing Kurt inside. He just collapsed on the floor and started crying too.

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