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Kurt and Adrian were dressed and ready for their presentation. However, it took more time than they'd planned and now they were running through the school's corridors to join Blaine backstage. Kurt saw the dog in Adrian's hands:

"Ady, why did you brought Fiyero with you? Now we don't have time to leave him with Grandpa and we'll have to leave him backstage."

"I could leave him with Uncle Cooper."


Kurt was so preoccupied with every little detail that he almost didn't see Cooper outside the auditorium talking to Judith.

"Cooper! Blaine will be so glad to know that you're here."

Adrian pulled on Cooper's jacket:

"Uncle Cooper?"

"Yes, Ade."

"Could you take care of Fiyero for me?"

"Sure, Champion, but only if you give me a nice firm hug."

They listened the new principal announcing it's about to start. Cooper and Judith went look for seats and Kurt could hear her saying:

"So, are you Blaine's brother?"

Kurt rushed with Adrian backstage.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman. I'm Harriet Green and, as the new principal, I'd like to welcome you to our school's first annual Family Day. Our first attraction of the night will be our dear student Adrian Burt Anderson and his two fathers who will be performing "The Lonely Goatherd" from the musical "The Sound of Music."

They were welcomed to the stage by a huge round of applause.

Burt started tapping his fork to his glass:

"Excuse me, excuse me! I'd like to make a toast. To my amazing son who, some years ago, brought to our family this wonderful man. Blaine, I'm so proud to be able to also call you my son."

Kurt and Blaine stared at each other. Kurt grabbed Blaine's arm and Blaine held Kurt's hand in his arm saying:

"Thank you, Burt."

Burt raised his hand:

"Wait! I'm not finished. I'd also like to thank them both for having given me my most beloved grandson. You three were fantastic tonight on that stage."

Everyone raised their glasses when Harriet stood up:

"I'm sorry to intrude in the family's dinner but since you invited us; I'd like to add to that toast. I want to thank Kurt, Blaine and Adrian for having taught us all at that school what's the true meaning of the word family. It's all about the bonds we make. And Ade, dear, you asked us today if you could be Melissa's boyfriend and I have to say that I'd love that."

Finn fist-bumped with Adrian:

"Good choice, Buddy."

Adrian just blushed. Kurt was about to comment it with Blaine when he saw a tear in his husband's eye:

"Blee, are you crying, Honey?"

Blaine then stood up and started a speech:

"I want to tell each and every one of you how special you all are to me. When I came out to my father and he had real issues with my sexuality I thought that, if I was lucky enough, I'd find a nice guy and my future would be with a partner. When I started dating Kurt; Burt and Carole were so welcoming towards me that I thought we wouldn't need to be alone just the two of us. Then, when I learned about your two fathers, Rachel, I started wondering how it would feel to have a kid. Tonight, I have all of this and more. I have a wonderful husband, I have the best son in the world, my brother went to see my family on stage - even if he's now on a date with Judith. Well, I guess some things never change - and my parents sent me a text message saying they couldn't come. It may not seem much, but I know how much my father had to put aside to do that. Today, I'm the happiest man alive and I've got all of you to thank, my family. Thank to my handsome hus... Kurt, are you crying?"

Kurt couldn't answer; he just got up and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck. Adrian also got up and hugged both of them. Kurt then looked at his son:

"Something you want to add, Sweetie?"

Adrian smiled:

"I love my Daddies."

I'd like to thank each one of you who have read this story. It means the world to me to see such a welcoming audience to my little tale. Every vote and every comment made my day. You guys rock! I've got more to share with you. Starting next Friday, I'll post a chapter a day of a Christmas story set on season 4. I have more stories for the next year, including a two chapter prequel to this one. I hope you all join me on this journey. Again, thank you! 

Link to the prequel: https://www.wattpad.com/story/134328014-one-kid

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