Chapter XVIII:

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                The doctor had left the room to leave them to decide who was staying. Blaine turned to Rachel:

"Rach, could you watch Ade for a minute so I can talk to Kurt?"

She nodded and Blaine pulled Kurt by the wrist outside the room. They hugged before Kurt started to talk:

"It should be you. He's mad at me. He'll feel safer and calmer if you are by his side when he wakes up."

Blaine was expecting that answer and was prepared with his:

"I knew you'd say that. I just wanted to remind you that tonight when he was feeling sick one were the one he went straight to. Ade still loves and trusts you, Kurt; he's just scared by your reaction. I bet he's trying to find a way to get you back."

"He never lost me. I'll love him forever."

Blaine smiled:

"I know, Gorgeous. But I'm an adult; an insecure five years old is afraid to lose his Daddy's affection."

"Even though, you better stay tonight and I'll try to gain Ady's trust back tomorrow. Let's not test him. He'll be fine if Daddy Blaine is with him."

It was decided that Blaine would be staying and Kurt would spent the night in Rachel's apartment so he wouldn't be alone. In the morning, as soon as the visiting hours begun, Kurt and Rachel would be there to see them.

Adrian woke up in a strange room without really remembering what had happened the night before. He looked to his right and smiled as he saw Daddy Blaine asleep on the couch next to his bed. Blaine was in a light sleep and woke up as soon as Adrian started moving. He got up and put his hand on his son's hair:

"Hello, Sweetie. How are you feeling today?"

"Fine, I guess. Where are we? Where's Daddy Kurt?"

"We're in a hospital. You had to take some medicines last night that we didn't had at home. The hospital just allows one parent per kid; so Daddy Kurt went to sleep at Rachel's apartment that's closer from here. They must be here very soon."

Adrian had awaken too soon, so it took a while before the visiting hours begun and Kurt could enter his room. In this meantime, Ade would ask about him every five minutes. Blaine thought it was better not to call Kurt: it would only make him anxious without anything he could actually do.

When Kurt finally entered the room with Rachel, Adrian grin couldn't be wider. Kurt smiled back at him and felt his eyes getting moist. Ady stretched his arms towards Kurt but took them back remembering the day before. Kurt got closer but was cautious:

"Hi, Sweet Prince, I missed you so much these hours we've spent apart."

Adrian was looking down as Kurt spoke. He looked at Blaine by his side and then at Kurt who was leveled with his feet. He stared at Kurt and asked:

"So this means you still love me?"

Kurt forgot about being cautions and held the boy in a tight embrace:

"Never doubt my love, Adrian. I'm your father and I'll love you forever no matter what."

"But you made such a scary face yesterday when you yelled at me."

Kurt went a little bit back so he could look his son in the eyes:

"I know and I am so sorry. I lost my head; grown-ups can do stupid things as well. Do you forgive me?"

Ady opened the most sincere smile in the world:

"Of course, Daddy K. I love you very much and I want you to be my Daddy forever. You and Daddy B."

Kurt reached for Blaine's hand and asked in a playful voice:

"So tell me one thing, Daddy Blaine, did Ady behave well and did all the doctors said him to do?"

Adrian answered before Blaine:

"I did, didn't I Daddy B? Tell him I did."

Blaine smiled and nodded. Kurt then took a gift-wrapped package out of his bag:

"If he has been a good boy then he deserves to get this."

The boy was excited with the gift:

"What's that, Daddy?"

"Open and see."

Ady ripped the package opened and found out a Blu-Ray of The Sound of Music. His eyes were sparkling with joy. He hugged Kurt gripping tightly in his shirt. Kurt hugged him back and let a single tear drop.

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